Friend, You Are Adventurous

by | Oct 15, 2015 | 31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

You may not think you’re adventurous, but you are.

You may not have climbing Mt. Everest on your bucket list, or you may never desire to ride RAGBRAI (a week-long bicycle ride across the state of Iowa), or deep sea fishing may not be your cup of tea…

One doesn’t have to do these types of monumental activities to be adventurous.

adventurous :: inclined or willing to engage in adventures; requiring courage; boldness; brave

Look at all you do in a day. Seriously. Rewind your day (or yesterday) in your mind from start to finish. Survey all the things you did, all the different “hats” you wore, all the words you spoke (or wrote), all the ways you gave, all the ways you loved, all the moments you lived. Really lived.

I’d say you’re the picture of adventurous.

(If some of your days are anything like mine, just getting out of bed in the morning can be an adventure.)

Before a handful of years ago I never considered myself adventurous either. It was easier for me to play life “safe” than to engage in adventures. However, my perspective changed when I began to consider my life as a great adventure with God.

I guess it was “change” that propelled me into this mindset, and I had many at the time:  Job changes, children growing up and moving out changes, schedule changes, church changes. Almost every area of my life was experiencing some form of change. I had two choices… I could either be anxiety-stricken through the changes, or I could embrace them.

I chose the latter, and began to see my life in change as God taking my hand and leading me on a great adventure.

Friend, He’s got you by the hand, too. Leading you on your own great adventure.

Now you’ve got my feet on the life path, all radiant from the shining of your face. Ever since you took my hand, I’m on the right way. Psalm 16:11

This perspective made all the difference for me, and it might just do the same for you. Yes, change might be scary. When you can’t see what’s ahead, life can become uncomfortable. I don’t want to make light of any situation you may be walking through today, but friend, don’t let go of God’s hand. He’s guiding you every step of the way (if you’ll allow Him to).

And when you do, you’ll be blessed.

And how blessed all those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! Psalm 84:5-6

Consider yourself adventurous. Begin to see your life as one incredible adventure.

Make life an adventureAs you go about your daily activities, hold on tight, and don’t let go. Enjoy the view along the way, and maybe take a few selfies! Live life to the fullest, and be courageous and brave.

And, if you decide to climb Mt. Everest, or join my husband and I on RAGBRAI, be sure to let me know so I can be cheering you on!




It’s Day 15 of 31 Days #CelebratingWhoYouAre. You and God are quite a team! I look forward to seeing where God leads you. Don’t be afraid to be adventurous with Him. I’m over here praying for you! (Linking this post with Suzie and friends for #livefreeThursday.)

31 Days Celebrating Who You Are

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  1. Linda Stoll

    Hey Julie, from your next door neighbor at Suzie’s this morning!

    An adventurer, huh? I never thought of myself through those lenses, but I’d say that the last few months with packing up and moving and saying goodbye, leaving my counseling practice and turning 60 … and having both my dad and my littlest grandson go home to be with Jesus would qualify.

    I’m so glad God is the trailblazer, the guide through this desert time. I shudder to think where I’d be with out His constant grace.

    Blessiings to ya’ today …

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Linda! Thank you for stopping over and for sharing. It’s a joy to have you here. It sounds like you have been on quite an adventure. I’m so sorry to read about your father and grandson. My heart goes out to you. I agree… I’m thankful for His constant grace. Blessings to you as well.

  2. Becky Todd

    Julie, How fun to scroll through Suzie Eller’s post and see your face. I had no idea you blogged. So fun! Thanks for the reminder to make life an adventure. It really is about embracing all that He has for us. I get so caught up in the anxious parts sometimes I forget to see where God is at work and just enjoy the experience with His presence. It’s been nine years since we’ve lived in Cedar Rapids. Still remember fondly our brief time at Mission of Hope. God’s best to you in your own adventures! Becky Todd

    • Julie Lefebure

      Wow, hi Becky! It’s been nine years?? Time has flown. So glad you said hi through my blog! Yes, I’ve been blogging for nearly eight years. Writing brings me such joy, and is my personal “ministry” I guess you could say. What are you up to these days?? God’s best to you, too!

      • Becky Todd

        We’ve lived in Mitchell, SD for six yrs now. Dan is an Associate Pastor and I volunteer pastor in Early Childhood in our church. We have Lily (9) and Josiah (7) whom I’ve had the privilege to stay home and raise, alongside ministries at church. I just began a new business/ministry, Sing n’ Sprout, this fall where I lead a mommy & me music class for preschool families. It’s been lots of fun!

        • Julie Lefebure

          Your life sounds blessed by God, Becky! So glad to read you and your family are doing well. Thank you so much for the update. Praying God continues to bless, guide and equip you! Thanks again for getting in touch.

  3. Crystal Hornback

    I love this, Julie! A call to ADVENTURE! I’m in! Thank you for your words today… and may we allow those selfies along the way, to prove that we LIVED, we conquered! #livefreeThursday

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Crystal! I love having traveling buddies on this adventure! Maybe someday we’ll meet in person! Until then, let’s keep encouraging each other and being brave as we journey. So glad you stopped in. Bless you, friend!

  4. ~ linda

    I used to be ‘adventurous,’ Julie when I was younger and really did climb Mt. Whitney in California. I did other things like backpack and ski, but now I would not have considered what I do daily adventuresome, but you have given me food for thought. Maybe I am! : )

    • Julie Lefebure

      Linda, I believe you are! We each are in our own way. Especially when we follow God and His plans and purposes for our lives! Good for you for all the adventurous activities you used to do, too! Enjoy your adventure-filled day!

  5. Cindy

    I am anything but adventurous but would love to be! Thank you for your inspiring wisdom! Coming to you from #livefreeThursday, Cindy

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Cindy! Welcome! I believe you already are adventurous. We all are! May you find blessed adventure all around you today!

  6. Tara

    So often I don’t feel adventurous but we are!

    • Julie Lefebure

      You are correct, friend! And you are, especially, for taking on #write31days! Keep going!!



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Julie Lefebure
Make life an adventure
31 Days Celebrating Who You Are
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