January 2020.
Isn’t it hard to believe the first month of this year is nearly behind us? I know, I know. I’ve seen a few social posts declaring some of us feel like this month has been 111 days long instead of 31. Part of me agrees, yet part of me realizes one-twelfth of our year is already gone. What?
Time goes by fast anyway, doesn’t it? It seems with each passing month it picks up speed. Anyone else think 2019 flew by?? I’m doing all I can to slow it down. To slow myself down, for goodness’ sake. Taking time to pause, to reflect, and to not be so rushed. Easier said than done. This year my intent is to pause, to look over each month, and to take some time to reflect. To celebrate the good, to apply the lessons I’ve learned, and to focus on memories I want to keep forever.

I’m pausing today to reflect on January 2020.
Want to join me? Do you normally do this? Do you have a habit of looking back over the month to celebrate, contemplate, and appreciate? I desire for this to become my habit for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.
I love my new 2020 planner, given to me by my friend and life-long Christian mentor. At the beginning of each month it contains a page to prompt my heart before the month begins to record thoughts, scriptures, or other things to help keep me focused on God.
Here’s what I wrote on January 1:
My word for 2020: OPEN. Open hands, open heart, open life. I trust God will continue the work He is doing in me. Keep putting God first! Love Bill well. Love my family well. Serve them. Bless them. Point them to Jesus. Intentionally walk/run 75 miles in January.
That’s where I started. Thirty days later, here’s where I am.
- My word OPEN (#open2020) has shown to be appropriate for me so far. God continues to remind me to remain open to Him and His work in my heart and life. I celebrate that I chose to stay in God’s Word every day this month!
- With loving and serving Bill and my family well as my focus in January, I really attempted to do so. Making that a focus made all the difference. I think I loved and served Bill better than I did my kids, however. Since they live on their own and away from us, I found it more difficult to find ways to love and serve them. But, I prayed for them consistently, and that was probably the best thing I could do for them, right?
- I met my 75-mile goal by intentionally walking/running 75 miles in January! (Read post here.) That was an incredible accomplishment for me. It felt good to begin 2020 strong, as I felt it was time to take charge of my health and get back on track.
- January is my least favorite month of the year. Cold weather is not my jam. Living on a beach, however, is. (I sometimes wonder why we remain in Iowa.) But, for me, this January was different. Yes, we had snow and ice and frigid temps, but for some reason, I wasn’t bothered by those so much. I tried to find the beauty of this season, knowing the breathtaking frosted-covered trees will only be available for a few short months.
I think I’m ready to move on to February.
But, before I do, there’s one more thing I’d like to finish for January 2020. My new planner also contains a page at the end of each month dedicated to recording the memories I want to keep forever. I want to finish that, to hopefully remember these memories forever! I do know a scripture that blessed me, however, that I can share:
The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28:7 NLT
January 2020 Review – free printable!
Since I love this idea of pausing, reflecting, and recording memories, I decided this morning to tweak the one that’s in my planner and create my own memory sheet that you can use as well. Here it is, in printable form for you. Feel free to print it off, fill it out, and tuck it somewhere special. Again, I plan to do this every month of 2020, so you’ll be able to join me in this activity next month and every month after, too! (Click on the printable below to print or download it.)

Click here to print or download the above printable.
What’s one thing you’re grateful for this month? Was there a scripture that blessed you? What made you smile and/or laugh in January 2020? It would bless me if you shared any of your answers in the comments below.
As we finish up January, I pray God blesses you, encourages you, and equips you with His presence and love. May February be filled with love, laughter, joy, and hope! God bless you, friend!
Much love,