Thoughts Are Good, But Words Are Better

by | Feb 16, 2016 | Love Others

I couldn’t believe my ears.

Did she just say what I thought she said? 

“There’s a lot of us here who want to see you succeed.”

Yes, those were her words. And they about melted me to my core.

Really. Who says such words these days? Some might think them. Some might believe them to be true. But in the working world–maybe even outside the working word–I believe words like that are rare.

They continue to ring loudly in this head of mine. As I have played them over and over, just knowing someone out there believes in me has helped me believe in myself. And not only this, she’s someone I didn’t even know a month ago. She’s someone who has nothing to gain personally, but desires to help another along on her life path.

I want to be more like that.

But life can get in the way. Days are full, and so is my brain. I have good intentions, but I get forgetful. I may think such words, but all too often, I don’t let them escape out of my mouth.

She really did a nice job on that project.

What she did made my day much easier.

What a nice gesture that was for him to hold the door for me.

I couldn’t have done this without his help.

And sometimes I believe truths about others, but I don’t say them, either.

I believe in you.

I appreciate you.

You make my world brighter just by being you.

You help me be a better person.

Our thoughts will never bless another unless we use words to share themOur thoughts will never bless another unless we use words to share them.

Do you ever find yourself doing this too? Or do you do a much better job of this than me? (I hope so!) No matter where we are in this, I’d say it’s a good day to share our thoughts to bless and encourage another on his/her journey.

There are people in our lives this very day who would be inspired by words of blessing. Some could use some words of encouragement. Some need to know someone believes in them. Some need to know they are loved. And some just need to be reminded they matter.

Who will you speak these words to? Who will you share them with? Who will I? 

Sure, my new friend could have kept those words to herself. She didn’t have to share them with me. But, I’m oh so grateful she did. They did more for my heart than she will ever know. I guess today would be a good day to tell her just how much, wouldn’t it??

Speak words of life, blessing, and encouragement into another’s life today.

So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 MSG

Thank you for blessing me by being here. You matter to me!

Much love,




It’s so fun to link this post up with some great friends and their spaces today: Holly for #TestimonyTuesday, Kelly for #RaRaLinkup, and Crystal for #IntentionalTuesday. You’ll find encouragement at each place.

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  1. findingyourpossible

    What a great post! It’s so true! I want to be that kind of person too. Thanks so much for writing about this, it’s such an encouragement to me and a reminder that this is what I want to do for others too. Here’s to being intentional about lifting others up with our words.

  2. Michele Morin

    How many times have I had words in my head that I wish I had shared but the moment passed and I had missed an opportunity to bless someone with words.
    Thanks for sharing this example from your own life.

  3. Mary Geisen

    What a beautiful thing for your co-worker to affirm what you are doing especially since you have not been at your job too long. A few words can go such a long way in blessing someone else. I agree that speaking affirming words out loud to others will most likely make their day and be the words that they need to hear. I try to be that person to say these words out loud but your post is motivating me to make it part of my daily life. Blessings on your week.

  4. Mary Flaherty

    I’m so glad that someone affirmed you, Julie! I’m an encourager by nature, and frequently say what I think (which is not always a good thing!), so for me, sometimes I have to hold back and ask if I’m encouraging or flattering…or worse, just saying something to make someone feel better, which may not be the truth. So, in speaking our thoughts, I think it’s just as important to formulate our words in an honest and uplifting manner. Your neighbor at Testimony Tuesday

  5. Tara


  6. Anita Ojeda

    boy, did I ever need this reminder! I am HORRIBLE at affiming others (ok, in person, I’m pretty good at cheering for all of my Fitbit friends on a daily basis via the app). I’ll be on the lookout today!


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Julie Lefebure
Our thoughts will never bless another unless we use words to share them
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