Why Love God?
The greatest commandment, as we read in yesterday’s post, is to “love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
As I promised, I’m not going to shove the Bible in anyone’s face. That’s not me. That’s not how I began on this journey of faith 23 years ago. That’s not the way I learned who God is. And that’s not how I began to love the One Who created me.
It was through unconditional love all of that happened.
Not my love, because I’ve proven mine isn’t so unconditional. Some days it’s pretty good. Most days it’s not.
I came to understand God loves me, no matter what I do or don’t do. If His love was based on my behavior, I’d be in big trouble. If it was based on me, I shouldn’t even be here, writing this post today.
After all the stuff I’ve done, the things I’ve said, my failures, faults and fiascoes. God could have washed His hands of me long before I was even an adult.
But He didn’t. That, my friend, is unconditional love.
And to top it all off, not only did He spare me and show me love, He’s blessed me beyond what I ever deserved or imagined. I’m so thankful.
I can’t help but love God. It would be nearly impossible not to love Him.
God. The God of the Bible. The God who has rescued this poor soul of mine.
The coolest thing is, God loves us all the same.
He doesn’t just do all of this for one of us. He does it for all of us.
He loves us all. Period.
So, why love God? Because we’re “supposed to?” No. Because He first loved us.
How do I know?
This is the embodiment of true love: not that we have loved God first, but that He loved us and sent His unique Son on a special mission to become an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10 The Voice
My life isn’t perfect. Things happen I don’t understand. I hear and see bad stuff, near and far away. But I’ve experienced enough to trust God with it all, and to trust Him with this life He gave me. He loves me. I can rest in that.
He loves you, and you can rest in that, too.
How have you experienced God’s unconditional love? Where in your life has He blessed you? Was there a specific moment you knew He loved you, without a doubt? Or, if this is a new thought for you, will you allow Him to open this new door for you a little wider?
No matter where we are in this, I’m praying for each of us today.
Loving God. The greatest commandment. He first loved us. That’s why we love Him.
God bless you in this truth today!
Today is Day 2 of #31DaysLovingGodLovingOthers. Tomorrow we’ll take a deeper look at loving others.

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