In November 2007 I entered the world of blogging.
My motivation was to simply have a written account of my life for my children to have some day. I was still grieving the death of my best friend and mother from the year prior. Even though Mom and I had a beautifully close relationship, and I thought I knew everything I needed to know about her, with her now gone, I realized so much of her life was unknown to me. And it saddened me that I’d never be able to ask her any details of her life again–at least not until heaven. How I would have loved to come across a diary, or a written account of her thoughts, her struggles, her blessings, her life. How I would have appreciated reading about her love of gardening, about her simple daily routines, about her frustrations of raising me–a rebellious teenage daughter. (Smile.) What a cherished possession that would be today!
And so this blog journey began.
Very simply. My early posts make me chuckle. I read them now, and it’s evident how far God has grown me. They are a part of my journey, though (no matter how painful they may be to read!).Yet, the exciting thing is that I haven’t “arrived.” Thankfully, God is still growing me in my writing, and I look ahead with anticipation to where He’ll take me on this journey.
I never realized until stepping on this path that I enjoyed writing as much as I do. This blog has been a source of healing and blessing for me. It’s been a personal teaching tool. It’s been a reminder of God’s faithfulness in my life. It’s become an area of personal ministry. And all along, it’s fulfilling the purpose that I desired for it in the beginning for Alissa and Zach. They may not appreciate it so much now, but years down the road they will.
I share often about my “real” life. I’m pretty transparent, as I made the decision years ago that living a fake and superficial life was empty, deceitful, and dishonoring. And I seem to share about a variety of different topics…from my journey, to my family, to food, to Jesus, to our farm cats. You name it, I’ve probably written about it! 🙂
This life can get crazy sometimes, can’t it? Believe me, in my 40+ years, I’ve had my share of craziness. We need a healthy outlet to release some of the craziness and to also give back. As this blog and writing are mine, I pray in some small way you find encouragement and hope for your life when you visit. If nothing else, you’ll find I’m just a sojourner on this journey with you…working through my own craziness in life.
God bless you this Sunday!

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