117. Why Does Right Now Matter?

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Podcast

The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind around here with the launch of my first book, Right Now Matters: Empowering Right-Now Women in a Culture of Distraction. I’m finding women are learning the value–maybe for the very first time–of right now. In this episode we’re pausing to answer this question–why does right now matter? It may be for reasons greater than you can think of now.

Why Does Right Now Matter? | view from above of a woman in a brimmed hat looking down at her watch

Have you ever walked through a near-death experience? I sometimes wonder how many near-death experiences we are close to but never know about. How many times has God protected us from stuff we were never aware of? I imagine it’s lots. In Chapter 1 of Right Now Matters I share the story of how my husband experienced a near-death accident while riding his bicycle one Saturday morning. Our family considers this one of those experiences, because God could have easily taken Bill home to be with Him that morning, but he spared his life after getting hit by that white car.

Why does it take something like that to wake us up to reality?

But sometimes it just does. From that instance forward, I knew I had to make a change with how I was living my life. I knew God was waking me up to the preciousness of every moment He blessed me with. And I had to choose from that day on how I was going to live my life. As if right now mattered or would I continue to live my life like I was–sleepwalking through life.

What about you, friend? When you think about your life, are you appreciating each moment you’re given? Or are you, like I was, living life on autopilot? Do you embrace each moment or are you just going through the motions in your days? It’s so easy to sleepwalk through this life, isn’t it? But I don’t believe God intends for us to live that way. I believe He desires for us to live our lives with a sense of awe and wonder, of love and appreciation, of joy and peace.

In fact, His Word states this as such. I share three verses that point us to truth.

How we live our lives matters. God didn’t give us our lives to sleepwalk through them.

So, are we glorifying God with our lives? It’s a timely question to ask ourselves.

Why does right now matter?

Click on the player above to listen to the 13-minute episode.

God knows the importance of right now. I pray we recognize the importance of it too. Doing so will absolutely change our lives. Thank you for tuning in today. I’m cheering you on and I’m praying for you. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 117, Why Does Right Now Matter?
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