01. Why A Podcast? Inquiring Minds Want To Know!

by | Aug 9, 2021 | Podcast

Welcome to the first official episode of the Encouragement for Real Life podcast! I am so excited to be sharing this with you! Thanks for your interest and thank you for being here! In this episode I answer the question, why a podcast? Because, I think it’s a natural and great question to ask! Not only do I share the details as to why I began a podcast, but I offer some encouragement along the way. Hopefully after listening you’ll be inspired to do whatever it is you’ve wanted to do for awhile now, but just haven’t done it yet.

The story of how this podcast began is quite amazing.

I’m still marveling at how this has all come together so quickly. I share the details in this episode, but to give you an idea of how fast this has come about, I made the decision to start a podcast on the way home from the Northwestern Christian Writers Conference in St. Paul, MN. That was on Sunday, July 18. And here we are, officially kicking off this podcast just four weeks later.

That’s incredible to me, because I’m someone who knew nothing about the inner workings of podcasting until three weeks ago!

Why a Podcast?

So, why a podcast?

I’ll let you listen to the details, but the main answer is I enjoy encouraging others. I enjoy sharing life with others. And I enjoy helping others live out their real lives with purpose and meaning. A podcast is one way I can do that. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to offer this as an option to you.

Sure, I have my website (which I absolutely love with my new update, thanks, Susan!), and I’m very active on social media. I’m also in the process of writing a book. But, this avenue is a way to offer a message of encouragement for those of us who like to listen on the go, or as we’re getting ready for our day, or as we are driving, or whenever doing whatever.

I hope it blesses you as much as it blesses me to offer these episodes of encouragement for real life, right now.

So, listen in to find out the many reasons of why a podcast. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

The podcasters I mention in this episode are:

Other links:

Until next time, friend, stay encouraged!

Why a Podcast? I answer this all-important question!
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