Our first Thanksgiving and Christmas celebration was yesterday.
Yes, and it was wonderful.
(But seriously… how can Thanksgiving and Christmas be just around the corner?? Where did October go??)
My mother- and father-in-law make their annual trek south for the winter this week. We all gathered together to celebrate with them before they left town.
Turkey, ham, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, my sister-in-law’s amazing rice and mushroom dish, salads and desserts galore… and yes, I sampled and indulged with the best of them. The only thing missing was pumpkin pie. (It’s my favorite!)
I can’t say enough what a lovely day we shared together.
In my book, there’s nothing better than time spent with family.
What I probably enjoyed most was watching the many cousins—the generation that follows mine—spend time together. They are a close-knit group, and have been since they were toddlers. Now, listening to them as young adults, you’d think they all lived in the same house. They know what’s going on in each other’s lives, and it does my heart good to hear them laugh, crack jokes, and treat each other like siblings.
And then came the after-stuffing-ourselves football game in the backyard. Goodness, that made me smile. It’s too good not to share. Even if you know not a one of these amazing people, I think you’ll enjoy a snippet of the game…
See what I mean?? And Zoey, the dog! Wasn’t she hilarious??!!
There was talk of making it an annual gathering. I’d welcome it, for sure.
Friend, I have no life lesson in this post. No big take-away. Unless we pause for a moment, and gaze at the preciousness of moments like these spent with the ones we love. They are opportunities to make a memory or two. To take a few photos (or videos!). To listen and converse. To play a game of cards or football. To eat more than one ever should in one sitting. To share life with one another.
There’s no greater gift.
It’s in moments like these when life goes beyond living and becomes a legacy.
I believe we’ll all have fond memories of the legacy we lived yesterday.
And just in case you may be thinking, “She has the perfect family, and I do not,” let me tell you, I don’t. Our family is just like yours. Sure, our circumstances may be different, but we all have issues we’re walking through. We all have situations we’re trying to make sense of. We all have unique dynamics that make up what we call “family.”
And when love shows up—real, authentic, Jesus-loves-you-and-me kind of love—it may not be perfect, but it’s most certainly beautiful and good.
May we make the most of these treasured moments as opportunities arise in the weeks to come. We’ll celebrate these moments as they move past living to become a legacy.
Much love to you today,

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Love THIS: “It’s in moments like these when life goes beyond living and becomes a legacy.” I treasure these moments spent with my family too. Also Zoey the dog too funny? And did I see correctly….is there a lone young lady playing with the boys?