After calming down, the desire to lash out left me.
Continuing from yesterday’s post, I have learned from experience my words usually aren’t profitable or helpful when I’m angrily upset. But after this roaring momma bear prayed and got a grip with my emotions, I was able to think rationally again.
I will always err on the side of protecting my children, no matter how old they are. I guess that was birthed in me the day I gave birth to them. As mothers, when one of our children hurts, we hurt, right?
When they hurt and we hurt, it’s sometimes necessary to step back and take a look at the big picture.
To ask God to show us what we might not see with our eyes.
I’m one who believes everything happens for a reason. I also believe God is sovereign, which means He has supreme power and authority and is in control of all things. So, if this particular experience (the one that got me so upset) arose in our family, God must have allowed it for His plans and purposes.
If we are upset, and we’ve taken it to God, if He wants us to do something about the situation, He’ll show us.
I won’t begin to count the many times I lashed out on my own in similar situations without His guidance. It grieves me to think of the moments I messed up in forging ahead with my raw emotions. I wonder how many situations would have turned out differently if I had given them to God first.
Sometimes we need to celebrate progress, even if it’s only one step in the right direction.
God showed me I was to keep my mouth shut (and this time I listened!).
But that isn’t the case in every situation. What if the opposite happens, and God wants us to act on our anger? Should we? Even when it’s uncomfortable, even when it’s hard?
By all means. Sometimes anger can be a good thing.
Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don’t stay angry. Don’t go to bed angry. Don’t give the devil that kind of foothold in your life. Ephesians 4:26-27 MSG
When God stirs within us to stand up, to speak out, to defend Him or another, He’ll allow our anger to be used for good.
righteous anger :: typically a reactive emotion of anger over mistreatment, insult, or malice. It is akin to what is called the sense of injustice.
The key is following God’s lead in what to do with that anger… to let it go or act on it.
A friend of mine recently was led to act on it, and to stand up for what she believed in. And she did it in love. She didn’t show up with raw emotions or irrational thinking. She was calm, humble, and kind. She’s not sure what the result will be from speaking out, but she can rest in knowing she was obedient in following through.
Sometimes obedience can be the lesson we learn from anger.
Friend, I’m praying for each of us to have ears to hear, eyes to see, and minds to discern what to do the next time we find ourselves angry and upset. And I pray we follow through in whatever direction we’re called to take it.
Much love to you today,
It’s a joy to link up with Holly for #TestimonyTuesday, Crystal for #IntentionalTuesday, and Kelly for #RaRaLinkup.

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Thanks for your wisdom in sharing this. I sometimes forget that Jesus got angry, yet he never sinned. It’s all in the way we handle it. Thanks for this post!
Amen, Kelsie! It’s a heart issue. I’m glad we have a perfect example to follow, and He forgives us when we fail. Bless you!
Intentional anger – yes, it really is a carefully chosen and very disciplined path. It takes SO much prayer to be sure we are directing it properly, but I too believe that sometimes God calls us to point our emotions in the right place to make a difference. While I’m way more inclined to stuff it down (assuming it didn’t already boil over), there is wisdom in taking our anger before the Lord and asking if we need to turn it into action. A really thought provoking post, Julie that sheds wise light. Blessings, friend.
Hi Tiffany! I’m inclined to stuff it down too. We can be thankful God guides us in everything (if we let Him), even our anger. Thanks for stopping over. Blessings, friend!
Julie,I love the verses that you used in these two posts. (I like the way they read in the msg. version too.) It’s easy for that mama bear instinct to come out, isn’t it? I try to remember that there is stuff they can learn from negative things too, so I don’t want to take away their learning experiences by jumping in. It’s hard though! Hope that things are settled down for your kiddo now. ((hug))
Hi Brenda. You are so right. Even when our kids are adults and living on their own, our mother instincts are still present. I’m thankful God guides us in them! I appreciate you stopping by and sharing. Have a blessed day!
I’m always interested in new ways to look at anger since it’s such a common and misunderstood, misused, ill-used emotion! A like to think of Jesus turning over the table as a way to think of ‘good anger’..but I love the way your friend expressed anger in standing for something she felt was right– with love.. But yes, you do remind us we need to discern our use of anger, it’s so utterly important as a Christian to get a good handle on anger and how it’s used where it’s not for revenge! Great blog! visiting today from #TestimonyTuesday.
Welcome, Kathy! Thank you for your thoughts here. You’ve caused me to think even deeper, and I appreciate that. You are absolutely right… it’s important as a Christian to get a handle on anger. My friend did that so well. I’m still learning! Bless you today!
What a great topic, Julie! I agree with you. As Christians, we often are not sure what to do with anger, but even Jesus felt anger when he turned over the tables in the temple. It’s what we do with it and how we let it rule our minds (or not). Just like anything else, we must take our anger “captive” and submit it to obedience to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 Blessings from Espressos of Faith via #RaRaLinkup!
Good point, Bonnie! Taking our anger captive and submitting it in obedience to Christ. What a blessing it is to have you stop by and share your thoughts. I appreciate it! I was reminded of when Jesus turned the tables over in the temple too. He’s our perfect example. May your day be blessed!