What matters in this life?
Is it political parties talking smack and bantering back and forth against each other?
Or how about people fighting, rioting, and attacking as they stand up for what they believe in?
Is it the building up of ourselves, doing all we can to get noticed, and striving for what the world considers success?
Could it be what matters is only what’s going on in our own lives with no concern for the lives of others?
Friend, is this what matters in this life?
To some, I guess it is. But, to others, it’s not.
My brother is one who falls in the latter category. He was released from the hospital yesterday after nearly a month’s-long stay. At one point (maybe several) he thought his life was going to end while in that hospital bed. But, thankfully, God had different plans. My brother has a road of recovery ahead, but at least he’s home. I can tell you, the items written above are not what’s important to him today. He’s alive. That’s something we’re all thankful for.
My best friend is another. Her house sits empty and abandoned tonight. For the second time in eight years we completely removed all of her family’s belongings from their home and into places of storage to escape a coming flood. They were evacuated at 4pm today, and are staying with friends until the water recedes. In the flood of 2008 they lost numerous belongings and had to completely gut their home. This flood isn’t expected to be quite as high, but it will still be devastating. The last thing they are concerned about tonight are political parties, fighting, or “success.”
These life events have caused me to ponder, what matters in this life? In my life?
Am I focusing my attention on the things of life that are important? Or am I consumed with the trivial, the piddly, the useless?
My hope has been restored in humanity just a little in the last 36 hours. I witnessed complete strangers, of all colors and groups, of all political parties, of all ages come together to sandbag and to help others they may or may not know. I saw unfamiliar people stop by, offering boxes, lunches, or their physical help. And, I watched what can happen when people work together for a common good, instead of focusing on what divides them.
It was refreshing, and it actually caused me to smile. I imagine it brought a smile to God’s face too. I just wish I could see more of that in every day life, in headlines, and in news stories.
Maybe, just maybe, I can be the change I want to see.
So, friend, what matters in life? What’s important in yours and in mine? I guess that’s something each one of us must answer on our own. May we answer honestly, and adjust where necessary.
I’m praying for us all in this today.

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What a lovely post, Julie…and I am so happy for you, that your brother made it out of the hospital! Miracles still happen, that’s for sure.