Our relationship with God matters. It’s the foundation of everything else in our lives–everything we think, say, and do. It determines and influences more than can comprehend, and it is the key to an abundant life in this world and in eternity. So, yes, it matters greatly. A heart for God sounds good, doesn’t it? But do you and I have one?

We need to know what a heart for God means before we can determine if we have one or not. This is a heart that loves, seeks, and desires God above all else. That makes sense, right? But I’m guessing when we think about having a heart God, we might think of someone who loves, seeks, and desires God above all else perfectly. I know full well I don’t love, seek, and desire God above all else perfectly. I’m guessing you don’t either. We ponder a well-known king in the Bible who didn’t do it perfectly either, but was known to have a heart for God.
Can you think of who this king is?
King David. How could God define David as “a man after my own heart,” when David committed such awful sins such as adultery and murder? Scripture tells us that David was far from perfect. God knows everything about everyone, and He surely knew of David’s failures. But he also knew David’s faith. Interestingly, that’s what God remembered the most about David and claimed he had a heart after God’s heart.
I want to be known for that, too, don’t you?
David had a heart for God and we can too.
Even if we don’t live perfect, sinless lives.
Wondering how to have one? I share six ideas, along with ways to overcome what may try to halter growing our faith in God.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 22-minute episode.
How will you take one step today to deepen your relationship with God? It’s not as daunting or difficult as we may think, but it’ll be the best thing we can do for our lives and for those around us. I’m cheering you on, friend. Thanks for tuning in. God bless you.
Links in this episode
- Psalm 27 NIV
- Mary and Martha, Luke 10:38-42 NIV
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