What I Learned This Week – September 13

by | Sep 13, 2014 | personal journey

What I learnedAhhh. It’s Saturday. Do you love Saturdays as much as I do?

How was your week, friend? What were the highlights? Anything new? What did you learn?

Lately I’ve found one week seems to run into the next. Sometimes I get too scattered and forget to take time to appreciate and reflect on the gifts of the week, especially what I’ve learned, the lessons I’ve gleaned, what God has taught me.

But not today.

The Top Five What I Learned This Week:

1. THE THINGS WE DO FOR LOVE. Like baking my son’s favorite chocolate chip bars at 9:30 p.m. last night for his show choir choreography camp today, when it would have been much simpler to just go purchase something at the local grocery store. But because he asked me to make them, you better believe I did.


2. GOD USES DIFFICULT CIRCUMSTANCES AND PEOPLE TO GROW US. It was a challenging week on a number of levels. By Friday I came to the realization the challenges weren’t there to discourage me, but were there to grow me. Lesson: Even when we don’t understand why the challenges in life are there, instead of becoming bitter, we can become better. We can choose to be taught by and through them. Bitter or Better

3. I NEED MORE REST. I tried skimping by on 6+ hours of sleep each night. I’m reminded today I can’t do that anymore. I’m tired, my right eye is twitching (which is a sure sign of lack of sleep), and I am not my cheery, motivated self. Lesson learned (again).


4. MAKING CHANGES IN MY EXERCISE AND EATING ARE STARTING TO PAY OFF. My friend Holly inspired me a few weeks ago through one of her blog posts to make my health a priority again. It was a slow start, but this week I’m finally seeing some results. And it feels good. Lesson: Don’t give up what you’re doing, even when you don’t see any immediately results. Thanks, Holly!


5. RETURNING TO MY ANNUAL BIBLE STUDY FELT LIKE I RETURNED TO MY COMFY SPOT. Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) started up this week. This is my 18th year being a part of this international, interdenominational Bible study. Returning made my heart swell with love for God, His Word, and the other 225+ women in attendance. I believe God is going to teach me some powerful things in the next 29 weeks, and I can’t wait. I simply cannot imagine my life without this study and without these women!

Deuteronomy 79

Deuteronomy 7:9 was this week’s memory verse.

You know, after reflecting on and recapping my week, I again am reminded I have so much to be thankful for.

I’d love to read what you learned this week. Please share below if you’re so inclined!

Wishing you a beautiful Saturday!



Linking with Recommendation Saturday and The Weekend Brew.

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  1. Mary Geisen

    I learned that life is about enjoying each moment and making the best of them. I am focusing on doing that in my last year of teaching. God actually is showing and teaching me so much about myself, my students and others. I am enjoying this year like no other. I love what you shared above. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    • Julie

      Mary, how wonderful to read your perspective this last year of teaching. So glad you are enjoying this year like no other! It’ll no doubt be a memorable year for you! Thank you for coming by yesterday. Have a wonderful Sunday too!

  2. Barbie

    Hi Julie! I really love reading your blog. Right now I am facing difficult circumstances, but I do believe God is using this season in my life to grow me and draw me closer to Him. And I could certainly use more rest. My son found me asleep at my computer, while reading blogs, last night because I was burning the midnight oil. Have a blessed week.

    • Julie

      Thank you for sharing, Barbie. I know we’re just getting to know each other, but I want you to know I am praying for you and will continue to do so. Please take care of yourself, friend. You are a blessing to so many! God has you in the palm of His hand. Rest in His loving care. Praying your week is blessed too.

  3. Holly Barrett

    Julie! So glad to hear that you are seeing some success already. Keep me posted on how things go! And thanks for the shout out too, sweet friend.

    • Julie

      Hi Holly! Yes, I’m seeing results already, and it feels good! Thanks for inspiring me weeks ago. I’ll keep you posted! Thanks again for hosting Testimony Tuesday!


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Julie Lefebure
What I learned
Bitter or Better
Deuteronomy 79
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