What happens when you and I get bumped? What spills out? I had an experience this morning that explains exactly what happens.

It was 6:43 a.m. Pick up time at the vet began at 6:45. I parked my car in the parking lot, got out, and made my way in line behind a man dressed for winter (as was I). It was dark and 25 degrees. He was first in line, and thankfully, I was second. It was chilly! When the vet door opened, he and I were invited in, socially distanced of course. Another woman followed us in and sat on the other side of the room.
The man in front of me was assisted first. As the next window opened, the woman behind the counter asked, “Who’s next?” I got up out of my chair and headed for the counter. After all, it was clear I was next. But, the woman who came in after me objected. In what I would call a snarky tone, she said, “I was next, but don’t mind me.”
What?? I turned around, a bit dismayed, and replied as kind as I could. After all, I just finished praying as I parked my car. (I often pray as I drive.) I responded, “Excuse me, but I was in line after this gentleman,” and pointed to the first-in-line guy. She replied even more snarkily, “I was out waiting in my car for the last 25 minutes!” Obviously, to her, waiting in her car was waiting in line.
So I replied, “How did I know that? You weren’t in line outside of the building. But you go ahead of me.” I backed away from the counter and motioned with my hand. She stubbornly refused.
I clearly irritated this woman.
Oh man. I wanted to come unglued. Who in the world thinks waiting in her car in the parking lot is like waiting in line outside the door? Who does she think she is anyway? It’s not my fault she showed up in a sweatshirt and sandals, and not dressed to stand outside in line in 25-degree weather. It took everything within me to not let loose.
But, again, I had just finished talking with God on my way to the vet. And just a few short minutes later, I was ready to lose my witness. Julie, get a grip.
So, I did. I shot up a quick prayer as I picked up our farm cat. Lord, help me here. I, then, was reminded of something I learned a long time ago.
When we get bumped, what’s inside of us spills out.
Think about a drinking glass. Fill it with fresh water. What happens when the glass gets bumped? Fresh water splashes over the sides and spills out. Fill the glass with dirty water. What happens when the glass gets bumped? Dirty water spills out. You get the picture.
You and I get bumped in this life, too. Sometimes we get bumped by the circumstances of our lives, by life’s hard knocks and other painful experiences. Other times we get bumped by others. Someone says the wrong thing, or does the wrong thing, or hurts us, or offends us. Either intentionally or unintentionally. It’s not uncommon for us to get bumped on a daily basis.
It was clear I bumped this woman, even though I didn’t mean to.
What was inside of her spilled out. With a harsh tone, words that declared I feel forgotten or unimportant, and actions that showed she needed attention. I don’t know what was exactly going on inside of her, but her words and actions displayed she either had needs not being met, or she had some hurt going on in her life. And, unfortunately, I was the one spilled upon.
I guess I’m glad it was me. I didn’t know her situation, but God did. So, I silently prayed for her.
Then I got to thinking, what about me?
What spills out when I get bumped?
Is it kindness or wrath?
Blessings or curses?
Joy or irritation?
Forgiveness or bitterness?
Love or anger?
Grace or harshness?
Understanding or offensiveness?
I wish I could say good stuff always spills out, but that would be untrue. A mixture spills out of me, probably depending on the day. Also, depending on what I’ve filled myself with.
Am I filling myself daily with truth, hope, encouragement, and love? Or am I taking in lies, negativity, discouragement, and hate? Do I fill my mind with God’s Good News or the news of this world? Do I think positive, uplifting, truth-filled thoughts? Or do I let the lies of the enemy fill my mind? And when things flip upside-down in my life, how do I handle that? Do I take them to God in prayer, or do I complain to the people around me?
I believe God allowed this morning’s interaction with this woman to remind me. To remind me of the important work of filling myself with Him and His Word. To ask Him to impart on me daily His love, kindness, mercy, and grace. And to be a blessing for His sake in this world.
With what we fill ourselves matters.
How about you, friend. What spills out of you when you get bumped? I pray it’s the good stuff.
I pray for us in this today. We may not get it perfect, but the more we fill ourselves with the things of God, the more goodness will spill out of us.
Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!
Romans 15:13 TPT
Thanks for journeying with me today. You are a gift!
Much love,

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I’m usually a patient person but when I’m behind the wheel, look out! When someone pulls out in front of me-bump and gunk comes out. In my way as I try to merge? Bump and gunk comes out. No one else can hear my displeasure or knows I’m even spilling gunk, except God……Oh my. I get so disappointed in myself. And just about the time I think I’m filled with cleaner water, a truck goes 5 miles an hour up the mountain in front of me! Thank you for reminding me to go back to God to be filled…He’s got his hands full with this one!
He’s got His hands full with this one over here, too. Just the other day, I was praying while I was driving. Mid-prayer, my own gunk came out as the car in front of me chose to drive under the speed limit. Mid-prayer!! Maybe some day I’ll get it together. Likely not…
Thank you for the reminder today! Working with the public, we get “bumped into” a lot!
Pam, yes we do! That may be the hardest challenge of all. You’re welcome for the reminder. I needed it as well!