161. What Happened When I Rested This Summer

by | Sep 3, 2024 | Podcast

I did something this summer that was uncharacteristic of me: I rested.

If you’ve learned anything about me, you might know that rest doesn’t come easy for me. In fact, I have to force myself to rest most days. I love what I do so much, that I could do it all day long. And sometimes I do. No matter if I’m writing, or working, or creating, or hanging out with my grandsons, I like to stay active. I like to keep moving. I’d rather not rest until I lay may head down on the pillow at night. Now, that can be a good thing, but it also can be a detriment–to me, to my health, to my schedule, to pausing long enough to hear God’s still small voice. It’s not healthy for any of us to not have periods of rest. Even Jesus, the Savior of the world, rested. If He rested, you and I can too, right?

What Happened When I Rested This Summer | woman in blue shirt with straw hat over her face lying in a hammock

God’s plans are always better than ours, even when they make us feel uncomfortable. So when God called me to a season of rest this summer, I fought it. I share the full story in this episode of how it happened, what my response was, and what I learned through it. More happened than I expected when I rested.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 15-minute episode.

Because I rested this summer, God used it to completely impact my life and my schedule.

What action is God calling you to take today? Could He be calling you to rest? Or to the next adventure with Him? Or to doing something you’ve not done before?

Friend, no matter what God is calling you to do today, I pray your heart’s desire is to follow Him and His leading wholeheartedly. I almost didn’t. I almost wanted to run like Jonah did when God called him to Nineveh. But the thought of being swallowed by a whale didn’t sound like a fun summer to me! God always knows what He’s doing. It’s us who doesn’t. But trusting God to lead us to His best is the most beautiful act of obedience. Who knows what God will do with hearts solely trusting and devoted to Him! It won’t be anything but good and glorifying and completely amazing. What a God we serve and love!

Stay encouraged today, friend. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Episode 150, What Do You Soul and Self Need This Summer?
Matthew 11:28-30 MSG
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Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 161, What Happened When I Rested This Summer
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