What Do You Love About Your Life?

by | May 29, 2014 | Encouragement, personal journey

What do you love about your life right now? Answering this question can do you a world of good! It did for me!

What do you love about your life right now?

I was asked this question earlier this week, and it made me pause to ponder.

I don’t believe it was an accident being confronted with it that very afternoon, because what it allowed me to do was to appreciate all the wonderful things in my life.

Despite the facts:

–I was told that very afternoon the job “had been given to another applicant.”
–I was feeling a little like “a number” that day.
–I was asking God for confirmation about a certain something, and wasn’t “getting anything.”
–And I experienced some disappointment from another source that morning.

But as the question waited to be answered, these things were the farthest from my mind.

I began to think of all the things in my life I love…

  • My family
  • I’m healthy/We’re healthy (for the most part)
  • Where we live
  • Our freedom
  • God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit in my life
  • I’ve been on “sabbatical” for five months
  • How God is growing me
  • The incredible friends I have in my life
  • My love of writing
  • Living out each day in obedience and surrender to God
  • The season of life I’m in

There are so many… I could write list after list. And in thinking about these things, I was filled with gratitude and awe of all the many ways God has blessed me.

But my response was not on the above list.

“I love that my life is an adventure right now with open doors and windows full of opportunities and possibilities!”

And that’s what I love about my life right now.

How about you?

What do you love about your life right now? I’d love to read anything you’d like to share below. I would be blessed to celebrate your life right along with you today.

And if you don’t feel like sharing, that’s okay. But please, answer the question, at least to yourself. Think about it. Ponder it. See what you come up with.

As it happened to me, I believe no matter what tough thing you may be walking through right now, you’ll see a ray of hope shining in to bless you and encourage your heart as you consider what you love about your life.

Thank you for being a part of my life today!


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  1. Lisa Tindal

    I love the Julies, Marlos, and Dianas in my life who reassure me . Friends who are honest are a blessing.

    • Julie

      And don’t forget the Lisas! 🙂 Yes, honest friends are a gift, Lisa. Thank you for sharing what you love about your life today!

  2. Kristine

    I’m going to focus on this question as I start my day. Thanks, Julie!

    • Julie

      I pray it helped start your day in a positive way, Kristine! I am intentionally asking myself that question all day today to help keep me focused on God and His blessings in my life. What a difference it has made for me. Hope it did for you too! Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Sabra Penley

    I’ll take your quote about what you love about your life. It’s just about perfect for mine! I never thought that the direction our life has gone and where we find ourselves now would make me smile, but oh, it does! Life is sweeter and much more exciting. And God is so much more real to me than ever before. Thanks for asking the question, Julie.

    • Julie

      Sabra, I agree. Life is sweeter and much more exciting, now more than ever! And yes, God is so much more real to me than ever before too! We have so much to be thankful for! Have a great weekend!


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