Happy New Year!
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” -2 Corinthians 5:17
I love fresh starts! I love new beginnings! I love the beginning of a new year!
I am looking forward to 2012. I’m looking forward to seeing God at work in my life. I look forward to looking for Him in everything…every circumstance, every situation, every little thing, every big thing, every day. I look forward to journeying through this new year with Him.
I don’t have any significant “resolutions” or “goals” set yet. But a few things I really want to focus on this year are:
1) To encourage the people in my life with more hand-written notes.
2) Show the love of Jesus to others every day of 2012.
3) To share publicly on my blog about where I see God during my days.
4) To take care of myself by eating healthy, staying hydrated, staying active, and getting adequate sleep.
I’m excited about these four things!
I used to set goals like “have three off-spring directors this year” or “add 20 customers to my customer base” or make a certain amount of money. But do any of these things really matter? Do any of them focus on others? No they focused on me. (Makes my stomach churn as I think about how I used to think.) I’m thankful God has changed me…and He continues to do so!
I pray God blesses you in this New Year, and I pray we all draw closer to Him throughout this year by reading His Word, spending time with Him, and being obedient to His will for our lives!
Happy 2012!

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