I don’t care much for that word.
It’s certainly not a compliment to be considered as such, is it??’s definition: not inclined to work or exertion.
Lazy doesn’t seem to fit in the description of the woman of Proverbs 31.
In studying this woman’s life over the past number of weeks, we have seen how she is strong, independent, capable, and cares for her husband, her family and the poor. She is skilled, industrious, and has a reputable character. She runs the entire household, and a business. She wakes early, burns the midnight oil, and isn’t afraid of work.
Just looking at her life makes me a little weary.
Is there anything this woman doesn’t do?
I found one… She doesn’t do lazy.
She directs the activities of her household,
and never does she indulge in laziness.
Proverbs 31:27
Do you or I do lazy?
God has blessed me with a very new-to-me part-time job. It’s something that just “fell into my lap.” Really. It’s not something I had considered, nor had ever done before. But it’s exactly what I was looking for… part-time hours, close to home, flexible, a good income, I will be able to remain in BSF, and it won’t interfere with my son’s schedule his last year of high school. It’s going to be great.
But having the last six months at home has spoiled me. I said to my husband last night, “I really don’t want to work.”
He, in his polite way replied with a smile, “Welcome to my world.”
I wanted to eat my words. I apologized to him for allowing them to escape from my mouth.
My husband puts in some extremely long, and not-so-pleasant hours. Oftentimes he works different shifts, and his sleep patterns are completely messed up. Yet, he never complains. Never. He sacrifices for, works hard for, and provides for his family. He does it joyfully and faithfully.
He is not lazy. I shouldn’t be either. And I shouldn’t have complained.
Not that I sit home all day long and do nothing. That is certainly not the case. But for me to voice, “I really don’t want to work,” that’s being lazy.
Instead, I should be praising God for this gift, this opportunity, and for directing me in His will for my life. I should be thankful and eager to walk out this part of my journey with Him.
It’s interesting how God’s speaks just what we need, when we need it, through His Word and through others!
My attitude is adjusted today.
Where are you in all of this? Are you embracing all that God has for you? Are you eager and ready to do all God has called you to do?
Or are you like I was last night… not wanting to work? Not wanting to walk out something in your life? Wanting to just stay in your comfort zone? Maybe wanting to be lazy?
When we do what God calls us to do, and we do it when He calls us to do it, laziness won’t be a word that describes you and me.
That, my friend, honors God. Wishing you a blessed Woman to Woman (W2W) Wednesday!
Linking up today with some amazing friends over at Simply Beth’s and Holley Gerth’s. Great stuff going on at both places. Join us, won’t you?

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Love how you talk about going outside your comfort zone, but God will be there with us. That sounds like a wonderful, perfect-for-you job opportunity! I’m stopping by through Holley’s link-up!
Hi Valerie! Thank you for stopping by! Our comfort zones are sometimes too comfortable! Yes, it really is a perfect job for me. Thankful for it today. I pray your day is blessed!
Thank you for sharing insights- valuable!
You’re welcome, Katie. Thank YOU for all you do to bless and encourage others! Praying you are doing well!
I was just reading Proverbs 31 to my girls yesterday, and every time I read it I’m convicted by the words, “she does not eat the bread of idleness.” *sigh* How often do I eat that bread? And how often is idleness disguised as something else? Thanks for posting this!!
Me too, Alissa. Me too. It’s not very appetizing bread, either, is it?? Thank you for coming by today and for sharing your words of encouragement. How cool that you’re reading Proverbs 31 to your girls! Way to go, Mom! 🙂
Love how God speaks through others. Sometimes it is uncomfortable, but it helps us to grow. Been a lot of that here too. Stopping in from Three Word Wednesday. Just love your site.
Hi Kim! I love that too. I’m glad He doesn’t leave us in our mess! Thanks for stopping in today, and thank you for the compliment of my site. It’s always a work in progress it seems. Hope your Wednesday is blessed!
Oh my. Does this message hit home. I think just today I told my husband via FB messenger that I did not feel like working today. Yep. I said that to my hubby who has not had a day off since the beginning of November. Deep sigh going on over here. Someone share the verse from Eph. 6:7 with me this week and it really spoke to me: “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people,.” I think in one translation it says “cheerful heart” instead of “wholeheartedly.” I do love my job but I know I do not always approach my day with a cheerful heart and gratitude to God. Great message, Julie. Thank you for sharing with TWW. Blessings. xoxo
I’m with you, Beth. I get it. Thank you for that Ephesians verse! I’ll be using that in a post soon, as imagine I’ll need it in front of me the next few weeks. A cheerful heart…I might need to write that on my bathroom mirror to see each morning. Thank you for stopping by, for your encouragement and for hosting Three Word Wednesday! You are a blessing!
Yes, I have fallen into that category one too many times. I found myself complaining about the kitchen being hot while I was cooking tonight and my husband was out in 100degree heat all. day. long. Oopsie. I need the reminder to not be lazy with my time…I stay “busy”, but not always “productive” and that’s an area God has been calling me out on recently. 😉 Thank you for your encouraging words always! {hugs}
Busy, but not productive. I think we all can relate to that, my friend. So thankful God continues to refine us and grow us. Thanks for stopping in today. Always a gift! God bless you!
I think I flip flop back in forth between not wanting to work and overcommitting and working too much. I am trying to redirect my focus on doing well what God has directed me too, however simple or complex it may be. Stopping over from TWW.
Hi Kimberly! I understand this too! Your focus is in the right place…doing what God wants you to do. I believe so many struggle with that balance, including me. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him. So glad you stopped by today! Have a beautiful day!
That Proverbs 31 woman has always worn me out! 🙂
I am glad you included not stepping out of our comfort zone as being lazy. It doesn’t have to just mean physical labor.
Absolutely, Sarah. I also know God doesn’t want us to be working all the time. There’s a balance, and sometimes finding it is the hardest. So glad you came by and shared your thoughts. Have a beautiful weekend!