W2W – Good Enough

by | Mar 12, 2014 | W2W

encourage one another editedBlessings to you on this day! It’s Woman to Woman Wednesday!

Wherever you are today, as with every week, grab your tea, your coffee, your drink of choice, and let’s encourage one another. I know you only have a handful of minutes, so let’s get right to it.

Have you ever wondered if you were “good enough?”

“Am I a good enough wife, mother, friend, employee?”
“Am I good enough to be accepted?”
“Am I good enough for this guy to want to hang out with me?”
“Am I good enough to be invited to lunch?”

If you’ve ever asked yourself questions like that, friend, you are not alone. We all desire to be included. We are desire to be accepted. And we all desire to be “good enough.”

In my younger years, I remember gym class and recess. Maybe you remember them too. It could have been dodge ball or volleyball, or some other sport that needed two teams. Teams were picked in a way I disliked. Two people were named as “team captains” and the rest of us were in a pool of prospective players. Even though it was nearly 30 years ago, my heart still pounds full of uneasiness as if it was only yesterday…

“Am I good enough to get picked?”

Oh, how I did not want to end up being the last one picked for either team, and I felt such sadness for the two who were.

I was one to continually strive not only to be good enough, but to be the best–in everything I could. That carried over into my adult life, and into my careers and into most relationships. I compared myself to others to the point of it being unhealthy and exhausting. Until the day God got my attention with His unconditional love. I no longer had to prove I was “good enough”–to Him or to anyone else.

And neither do you. Has someone recently told you you’re not a good enough (fill in the blank)? Has someone in your past said “you’ll never be good enough”? Could it be you’re the one who is saying those very words to the girl in the mirror? If you need a reminder, read last week’s W2W post AMAZING. Right there, Psalm 139 shows you Who made you and where you came from. That alone makes you “good enough.”

Then who cares what anyone else says about you. You are accepted by the One who matters. Please don’t confuse the perception of yourself with God’s perception of you. As I’ve heard it said before, if God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on the front of it. He thinks you’re all that and a bag of chips! (Big smile.)

If you are struggling with any thoughts of being good enough today, please let these words sink deep in your soul:  YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH. Find your worth in who God says you are…you are chosen, beautiful, precious, loved, redeemed, delivered, forgiven. You are all these things and more. It doesn’t matter what your status is here on earth. You may be poor in wealth, or poor in spirit, or both. You may be here today with a broken heart, a broken will, or a broken family. You may be coming off of a relapse in your addiction. Those things have nothing to do with your worth.

Take heart, dear friend. God sees you, He loves you, and He desires a close relationship with you. You most definitely are good enough!

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  1. Ellen Chauvin

    Thank you Julie! Yes, I remember recess and dodge ball, and waiting to be picked. Praise God He has chosen us!

    • Julie

      Ellen, thank you for stopping by today. Yes, Praise God He has chosen us. We will never have to ask, “Am I good enough for Jesus?” Hugs to you today!


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