134. An Unexpected Divine Detour With Lori Ann Wood

by | Feb 27, 2024 | Podcast

You are in for a blessing today! In this episode I chat with the lovely Lori Ann Wood, who is a newer online friend of mine. She’s an author, speaker, and an advocate for heart health as she walks through her own health journey. She has an incredible story to tell, and she shares some of it with me in today’s episode. Consequently, our conversation inspired me, challenged me, and pointed me to the wonderful hope we have in Jesus, and I believe it will do the same for you.

I say often, we each have something we’re walking through or dealing with, so whatever that is for you, I believe it’s no accident you are listening today. God has something special in store just for you here.

An Unexpected Divine Detour with Lori Ann Wood | photo of Lori Ann Wood over a road lined with faded green trees and muted clouds above

Lori Ann Wood and her unexpected Divine Detour is an inspiring reality of hope and promise.

Click on the player above to listen to the 35-minute episode.

(My guest episodes are longer than my solo episodes.)

Who needs to hear Lori Ann’s story today? Be sure to forward this to them.

What did you glean from her testimony of her journey?

Come on over to the private Encouragement for Real Life Community on Facebook this week. We’re discussing this and encouraging one another through Lori Ann’s words. I’d love for you to join in the conversation. The link to this group is in the show notes.

As I mention in the episode, I encourage you to reach out to Lori Ann and to follow her journey through social media and her website. Be sure to grab her information about the warning signs she mentioned as well. The links to do so are in the show notes.

Thank you for joining Lori Ann Wood and I today. God has good plans for Lori Ann’s life, for your life, and for mine. Because of this truth, may we remember this in the days to come and remind others of it as well. Thank you for tuning in. Stay encouraged and God bless you!

Links in this episode:

About Lori Ann Wood:

Lori Ann Wood lives with her husband in an empty nest in beautiful Bentonville, Arkansas. Having discovered a serious heart condition almost too late, Lori Ann writes and speaks to encourage deep faith questions along the detours of life.
She has been awarded the Frederick Buechner Narrative Essay Award, and awards from the Evangelical Press Association as well as from Colorado Christian Writers. Her work has been published in several anthologies and numerous print and online venues, including The New York Times, The Christian Century Magazine, Just Between Us Magazine, Bella Grace Magazine,
Truly Magazine, and Pepperdine University Press.

Lori Ann’s first book, Divine Detour: The Path You’d Never Choose Can Lead to the Faith You’ve Always Wanted, was recently published by CrossRiver Media. It quickly became #1 New Release on Amazon in Christian Spiritual Growth and in Personal Growth & Christianity. The book has won four international book awards.

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 134, An Unexpected Divine Detour with Lori Ann Wood
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Julie Lefebure
An Unexpected Divine Detour with Lori Ann Wood | photo of Lori Ann Wood over a road lined with faded green trees and muted clouds above
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Local friends, come join me this Saturday morning, February 22, at A Place 4 Friends (212 Edgewood Road SW, Cedar Rapids), where I am sharing my faith story.

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#faithstory #womenencouragingwomen #encouragement #womensevent #cedarrapids #coffeewithfriends #abundantlife
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Negativity in our hearts? Negativity will come out in our words?

Joy in our hearts? Joy will abound in our actions.

What's inside your heart?

When we pay attention to our words and actions, they can quickly reveal what's in our hearts that we might not notice on our own. 

We can then begin to make any adjustments needed.

This helps us live abundant lives.

Listen to episode 185 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast for more. 

#podcast #abundantlife #heart #whatsinside #encouragement #womenencouragingwomen
What's inside of us always comes out. Especially what's in our hearts. ❤️

What is in your heart today?

Take a deep dive with me in episode 185 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast today and find out. This may be my favorite episode so far!

Find it wherever you listen to podcasts or on YouTube, and let me know your thoughts after listening/watching. 

Stay encouraged!

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You are magnificently created.
You are loved by your Creator. 
You are here for a purpose.
God has good things in store for you. 

Carry on and have an abundant day!

#pause #carryon #reminder #abundantday #abundantlife #youareloved
I'm grateful for this truth today, aren't you?

Take the pressure off of yourself and rest in the One who is in control. 

This is a key to abundant life. 

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God is.

Here's a simple prayer to pray to release it all into God's capable hands.

Step into the abundant life God has for you. I can help you do that.

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I'm here for this trend of having coffee with our younger selves. ☕️

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