Good news makes us feel better.
Those aren’t my words, but God’s. But I agree with them, don’t you?? It’s a good day for some #goodnews.
As we begin a new week–as we do each week here–we gather to share the good… what we’re thankful for, God’s blessings in our lives, our good news.
Some days and weeks good news can be hard to find. We see so much bad in this world, in our country, in our cities and neighborhoods. It can be overwhelming at times. The shooting in Dallas last week took our breath away. There’s nothing good in that, but if I know God like I believe I know Him, He’ll somehow bring good out of it.
But still. It can be hard to find good amongst the bad. As life can be discouraging, disheartening, and down-right difficult, what’s good is often buried. And sometimes we have to dig deep to uncover it.
Can we do that today? Can we take a moment or two to share our good news, even if we have to look a bit longer to find it? Even if we need to uncover good news that may appear to be buried? What can you and I be thankful for this very day? What gift(s) do we see in our lives? What can we celebrate and appreciate?
It would do my heart good to read your good news today.
My good news this week?
- We found out recently my son made the Dean’s List in college last semester.
- I had no cavities at the dentist last Thursday!
- I’m thankful for my family. My father-in-law turned 80 on Saturday, and we had a beautiful celebration.
- I’m thankful for our health.
- My husband and I crossed over the 800-mile mark for this season on our tandem on Saturday!
Once I start looking, I can’t help but find more good news. Some I had to uncover…
- I’m thankful for food on our table, for our jobs, for all the items in our lives that help make life simpler.
- Jesus loves me.
It’s a good day to uncover good news.
I pray my heart is set on finding it all week long. Join me, won’t you? It will certainly make us feel better.
Thanks for being here today, friend. You are a blessing to me! I’m thankful for you.
Much love,
Photo credit: Zach Lefebure

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