We like comfort, don’t we? We like sleeping in comfy beds, snuggling under comfy blankets, sitting in comfy chairs, and wearing comfy clothes. Many of us like eating comfort food, reading comfortable books, and hanging out with our comfortable friends in a comfortable environment. Yes, we like comfort.
It’s no wonder we like to remain where it’s comfortable.
Our comfort zones are comfy! They are where we’re safe and where we aren’t challenged. Things tend to be easy there, with less effort from us. Some of us will do whatever it takes to remain here.
But, our comfort zones are also were we tend not to grow. There we don’t try new things or attempt something uncomfortable. It’s just easier to keep doing what where doing, staying where we’re staying. Right in our comfy place.
Are you or am I stuck in our comfort zones today?

One truth about comfort zones is this: They aren’t always so comfortable.
Sometimes we feel a stirring inside of us to do something different. It might be an excitement about trying something new, or a nudge from a friend to make a change. Or maybe God is at work, prompting us to dust off that dream He placed within us long ago.
No matter what it is, you feel it. You begin to feel very uncomfortable in that zone that has been your comfy spot for so long. Part of you is excited, and part of you is scared. Part of you wants to take a step forward, yet part of you is comfortable, right where you are.
So, what do you do? Do you step out or do you stay put?
Friend, if you ask me, I will always say pray first. Ask God what He wants you to do. If God is prompting you, He will equip you, and help you as you step out and every step of the way beyond that. GO FOR IT! Because truly, what have you got to lose? What’s the worse thing that could happen?
Another truth about comfort zones: They grow.
With every new thing we try or every uncomfortable step we take, our comfort zones expand. Because of stepping out, what was once unknown or perceived as something hard or difficult, has now become something familiar. What was once uncomfortable, has now become comfortable. Isn’t that interesting?
Take for example a recent project of mine. I’m writing a book proposal to give at a writer’s conference this coming weekend. I have not written a book proposal before (unless you count the one I threw together in two weeks and it was terrible), and the thought of writing one intimidated me immensely. Where do I begin? How do I write a book proposal? How do I convey the importance of this book I feel compelled to write? Goodness, I had so many unanswered questions and no experience. It all made me want to turn and run.
I wanted to stay comfortable, but in all reality, I wasn’t comfortable.
This dream of writing a book has been simmering within me for a very long time. I knew it was time to get uncomfortable, even though I didn’t really want to.
With God’s help and with the help of my writing community, I’m learning how to write a book proposal. Two months ago I dreaded writing it, but now I’m kind of enjoying it. I’m learning much and even though it’s been challenging and uncomfortable learning something new, I can tell my comfort zone has grown. I’m not saying I’m fully comfortable writing a book proposal, but I know now I can do it.
Friend, how has your comfort zone grown recently? When was the last time you did something new to stretch the boundaries of what you thought you could do? What is God calling you to do? Will you step out or will you stay put?
It’s exciting to try new things and to step out of what we know to be comfortable.
Whether God is prompting you to dust off that dream or you’re given an opportunity to step out, I invite you to do so. May we always be about learning, growing, and trying something new. May we never stay stuck in what’s comfortable.
As we take that step, my this verse encourage us:
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG
I’m cheering you on today, friend. Let’s step out and grow together!
Much love,

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Goodness, once again your words are timely! I am a cling to my comfort zone kinda girl and here I am in an unfamiliar town, living in a house that’s not mine, driving a van instead of my suv, and caring for my very energetic 4 & 6 year old grandsons full time. The other part of it is that I have no idea how long I’ll be doing it. It’s anything but comfortable and yet I’ve done things I didn’t think I could, can feel God stretching me, and know I’m where I’m supposed to be! Thank you for the encouragement and the verse from Proverbs! Can’t wait to see all God does in your writing journey! I for one can’t wait for your book!
Cindy, I continue to pray for you and your family. I must have missed that you’ve been caring for your other grandsons full time. Wow, God is certainly using you for such a time as this! He is equipping your and strengthening you. What joy you must be experiencing also, in the midst of this season. Let me know if there are specific things I can be praying for you. Thanks for your encouragement as well. Much love to you!
Such a good post! Yes, I too really love comforts. But it’s so true that sometimes there is an underlying uncomfortableness. And I love that you point out that comfort zones grow. How true!
Hi Kim! Thank you for being here. I appreciate how God continues to stretch us and prompt us to grow outside of what’s comfortable. (Even though it can be VERY uncomfortable!) Have a wonderful week!
Julie, this was so good! I love my comfort zones too… but recently I’ve seen tangible ways in which “standing still” keeps me from growing for sure! Thanks for the beautiful reminder.
Hi Sharon! Thanks for sharing this. I love how God uses all different kinds of things to get us out of our comfort zones. May we continue to grow in Him! Have a great week!