171. The Truth About God and Our Discomfort

by | Nov 12, 2024 | Podcast

I got to thinking the other day of the many lies people believe about God and our discomfort.

Lies such as, God doesn’t want me to be uncomfortable.
Since I’m a Christian, doesn’t that mean my life will be easy and comfortable?
A comfortable life is a godly life.

Have you ever heard someone say these or have you thought them yourself? I have, before I knew better. As in last week’s episode, I suggested the truth that God cares more about our character than our comfort. But, in looking at biblical examples such as Moses, Esther, Mary, and Paul, we see people who followed God’s unique call on their lives into unfamiliar and uncomfortable places. God worked through them to achieve His plans and purposes in and through their discomfort.

The Truth About God and Our Discomfort | woman's legs in black pants and white shoes climbing up stairs

Would God lead us today to similar spaces of discomfort?

It’s possible and probable. The more I study Scripture, the more I realize that anyone called to do anything by God will experience discomfort.

When God’s involved and He calls us to go beyond what’s comfortable and what we’re used to, it’s natural to feel uncomfortable. We don’t feel uncomfortable doing something that we do day after day, right? No, it’s routine or a habit or it’s something we really don’t think about anymore. But at some point in our lives, that routine thing was new to us and it likely made us feel uncomfortable.

I share why we feel so uncomfortable doing what God calls us to do, and also seven reasons why He calls us to step out of our comfort zones.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 19-minute episode.

The truth about God and our discomfort is this: He may allow it to bring good into our lives.

In next week’s episode we will look at how to navigate discomfort and uncomfortable situations and seasons with grace and resilience, so I invite you back next Tuesday. We’ll close with the truth we began this episode with: God cares more about our character than our comfort, so let’s care more about that today, too. As always, I’m cheering you on. Thanks for being here. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Episode 170, When Discomfort Makes You Uncomfortable
Esther 4 NIV
James 1:2-4 NIV
Hebrews 12:1-3 NIV
Women’s Evening of Encouragement, Speak Life: Embracing God’s Truth in Self-Talk
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Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 171, The Truth About God and Our Discomfort
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