When Trouble Appears To Be Everywhere

by | Apr 21, 2017 | Love Others

Jesus knew what He was talking about when He said “in this world you will have trouble.” (John 16:33 NIV)

For sure. This world is full of trouble. Broken hearts. Smashed dreams. Severed relationships. Wars and rumors of wars. Terrorist attacks. Sick bodies. Damaged hopes. Disease. Death. Disappointment.

Trouble appears to be everywhere.

We see it. We experience it. And, we help others through it.

Even so, we aren’t left without hope. I like the way the New Living Translation says it…

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Hope for when trouble appears to be everywhere. Trouble may be everywhere, but we have One Who’s greater than the trouble. We can take heart (have faith, be confident, look at the sunny side, remain hopeful, rest in truth) because Jesus has overcome the trouble in this world.

Thanks be to God.

That’s a truth we can cling to and rest in today.

I can’t help but think of my good friend. She was recently blindsided with horrible news. News that any one of us would crumble in receiving.

The bottom of life as she has known it has dropped out of sight, and she’s now overcome with confusion, disbelief, and heartache.

Another friend, whom I’ve drifted from after leaving high school, also recently experienced a heart-wrenching tragedy. One that no one could prepare for. An unimaginable and an unbelievable situation where life was forever changed in an instant.

These friends know what trouble feels like.

Trouble is no one’s friend.

I’m guessing you have people in your life who are also going through the unthinkable. You’d do about anything to take it for them. You wish you could bear their burdens instead, or at least help carry them. It’s hard to see the people we love suffer, isn’t it?

Or, friend, maybe it’s you who’s buried under the weight of trouble. Maybe you’re the one who is walking through a living nightmare. You didn’t see this coming, and even if you did, you couldn’t have prepared for it.

If this is the case, I’m so sorry. I’m so very sorry.

I’m not going to assume I know exactly what you’re going through, because I don’t. And, I’m not about to write flippant words that may cause more pain to already broken hearts. I also won’t compare my troubles to yours or anyone else’s.

But I will walk along side you in it. I will do all I can to encourage you, and I will absolutely pray for you. I will continue to point you to the hope we have in the trouble. And, His name is Jesus.

He sees you. He hears you, and He knows exactly what you’re walking through. Jesus may not fix things the way we think He should, but He’ll fix them in His amazing ways. He’ll bring good out of what appears to be awful, and we can trust He’ll walk with us through the trouble.

Let’s rest in the hope we have in Jesus, together.

Especially through the trouble.

Remember, He’s already overcome it. Praying for my friends, your friends, and you today, who may be walking through troubled times. May God draw us all near.

Much love,




Linking this post with friends Suzie, Crystal, Crystal, and Deb. I invite you to visit their spaces to be encouraged!

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  1. Misty Phillip

    Hi! I also have some friends dealing with some serious issues. So thankful we can put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus says come to me all who weary and heavy laden and He will give us rest. <3 Misty #LiveFree


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