I couldn’t help but to be drawn to her, and to her story.
This unnamed woman in Luke 8 intrigued me. What was her life like? What was the rest of her story? Did she tell it? Did she share what Jesus did for her?
The piece we do know of her story, however, is tucked in the middle of another in the chapter. She suffered with a bleeding disorder for twelve long years… that’s 144 months of constant bleeding. And, after looking for cure, after seeing doctor after doctor, I would venture to guess she was at her end.
But, one last hope was passing by. His name was Jesus.
If I touch Him, this Jesus, maybe, just maybe, He can heal me like He’s healed others. Do you suppose she whispered such a prayer? Surely, she must have known who Jesus was and what He had done for others. And surely, this Jesus, could do the same for her.
This Jesus must be someone special. After all, He could do what others couldn’t. She believed in His words, His power, His presence. She believed in Him. So, in this massive crowd she didn’t touch Jesus, but got close enough to touch the fringe on His robe. And miraculously, healing came in that very moment, with that very touch. She was cured!
What happened in the secret, however, suddenly became very public. Power had left Jesus as someone touched Him. But, who?? Inquiring of the crowd, trembling, she stepped forth. Bowing at Jesus’ feet, she explained her reason and her healing. He responded,
“Your faith has made you well again, daughter. Go in peace.” Luke 8:48
You and I might not be experiencing 144 months of bleeding. But we each have a need. We each have something that could use a touch of Jesus.
What if we each had the faith to reach out and touch the fringe on His robe?
Do you and I believe He can care for that need? Do we have faith He’ll do it?
I’ve been known to doubt. My need is just too big. Or too small.
I’ve been known to try all the other options first. I sometimes go to others before going to Jesus.
I’ve been known to try to fix it on my own. I end up making a mess of things.
God has already proven He’s faithful, but it’s me who’s sometimes not.
What if you and I, boldly in faith, consistently approached Jesus? What if we believed our needs would be met, simply by touching the fringe of His robe?
Friend, let’s together walk to Him. Let’s ask Jesus to heal what needs to be healed. To work in ways only He can. To do what we think is impossible.
Nothing’s too hard for Him.
He’s waiting for us to come. As in the story of the woman of Luke 8, believing in Him and His greatness brings blessing. And even if the healing doesn’t come as we expect, He’ll give us something greater. He’ll give us Himself.
Let’s touch the fringe of His robe today.
Linking this post with a few this week: Kelly for #RaRaLinkup, Holly for #TestimonyTuesday, Crystal for #Intentional Tuesday, Jennifer for #TellHisStory, and Holley for Coffee For Your Heart.

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Are you reading Colleen Mitchell’s book “Who does He say you are?” Profound insights into the women of the gospels. I highly recommend it. Neighbors at Holly’s today.
Hi Susan! No, but I’m thinking I should read that book. Haven’t heard of it, but I’ve added it to my list. Thank you!
“I’ve been known to try all the other options first.” Me too. Why can’t I remember to go to Him first every time? I’m learning as I’m sure we all are. He is faithful and worthy of our trust. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at the #RaRaLinkup.
Hi Gayl! I’m glad I’m not alone in this. Praising Him for His faithfulness!!
I’ve always loved this story. The boldness of the woman touched the compassion of Jesus. May we all go and do likewise, whether we’re the ones touching or the ones being touched.
Yes, Lisa! Amen to your words. Boldness and compassion. Thanks for sharing your inspiration here!
I love this story too and have found myself doing those things you listed, at some point or another. He is also about mercy, taking me back even when I fail. Thanks for sharing today, friend. Neighbors @ Holley’s today!
Hi Meg! Thankful for His mercy. Amen! Glad to be your neighbor. Have a blessed week!
I have always loved that story. It is glossed over, but I could never imagine the devastation and weakness from constant bleeding.
Great words here!
Thanks, Sarah. I can’t begin to imagine it either. I appreciate you taking time to stop by and share. Have a wonderful week!