35. The Hope Of Living Beyond Our Brokenness

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Podcast

Is there hope of living beyond our brokenness? Sadly, we live in a broken world, and because we do, brokenness invades the spaces of our lives. From the moment sin entered the world when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, brokenness infiltrated our world. No matter how much we try to avoid it or what we do or don’t do, brokenness will be a part of life this side of eternity.

Well, that’s encouraging, isn’t it?! What a great way to begin a podcast, right?

But sometimes reality isn’t perfectly positive. Sometimes it helps knowing you and I aren’t the only ones who experience brokenness in this life. And sometimes we could use a little extra encouragement when we feel broken into a million pieces. I pray God uses this episode to encourage your heart if this is you today.

The Hope of Living Beyond Our Brokenness

If we had the choice, we’d each probably prefer to pass on the helping of brokenness.

Am I right? We’d rather not experience it. But, the thing is, brokenness is one of the few things you and I have in common. If we’re breathing, we have broken places in our lives.

Broken relationships, broken bones, broken hearts.

Brokenness caused by the actions or words of others.

Brokenness caused by our own actions or words. 

We have broken dreams, plans, and hopes.

Death and grief and loneliness carry brokenness with them.

You may be showing up today feeling completely shattered or broken.

Or maybe you’ve bought into the belief that this is the way life will always be and you’re feeling beyond repair. Or maybe you’re feeling hopeless and helpless and too much of a mess for God’s use.

Friend, if any of these describe you or how you’re feeling today, you’ve come to the right place. You are not alone. This world is filled with women like you and me who are walking in shoes not so different than our own. No, we might not have the exact same broken places, but we all have them. We are in this together.

Is there life beyond our brokenness?

I say there is, and I share in this episode why. I also share some of the broken places in my life. We peer into scripture to see what God says about brokenness and living beyond our brokenness.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 19-minute episode and be encouraged.

God equips us to live beyond our brokenness, friend. What a hope we have! May we remain encouraged as He uses it all for good in our lives. God bless you.

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The Hope of Living Beyond Our Brokenness
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Julie Lefebure
The Hope of Living Beyond Our Brokenness
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(And if you'd like to attend an online version of this Coffee and Calling event, let me know that in the comments, too.)

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