The Ground We’re Standing On

by | May 8, 2014 | Encouragement, This Lefe Family

Life sometimes doesn’t make sense.

I imagine you too, know that full well.

This current season in my family’s life is one of those times.

I look back over the last nine months, and only by the grace of God are we still standing. Only by the grace of God can we still smile. Only by the grace of God are we, all four of us, still alive today.

This truth brings me to my knees. Literally. I am in humble awe, and have never been more thankful for God’s grace and protection on my husband, on me, and on our two teenage children.

When times like this come (and they will for all of us), when life doesn’t make any sort of sense, I have found we have two choices.

We can either focus on:
–the difficulty,
–the uncertainty,
–the bad stuff,
–the awfulness of it all,

or we can focus on:
–the good,
–the hope we have,
–what truly matters,
–God’s abundant blessings,

and most importantly,
–God Himself.

I’m choosing to focus on the latter.

But believe me, I’ve had my share of days of focusing on the former. Those days were like standing on sinking sand. I don’t know if there’s a worse feeling than standing on something that feels like it’s sinking. It’s a hopeless, helpless feeling.

But not today. Today, my footing is sure, as I am standing on solid ground… the solid Rock. I’m standing on what God has promised in His Word, and that gives me strength and encouragement.

It’s no accident on our last day of Bible Study Fellowship yesterday we sang one of my favorite hymns, The Solid Rock.

The Solid RockThe ground we are standing on does make a difference.

Just like the example of the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7:24-27.

As simple as it may sound, our family has built our foundation on faith in Jesus Christ. The rains have come, the streams have risen, winds are blowing, but our “house” is still standing. I’m thankful. Oh, so thankful.

And as I sit at our kitchen table this Thursday morning, I’m grateful my teenage children are just a hug away. All four of us are home today. What a gift. If I didn’t receive any other gift for Mother’s Day this year, this would be more than I ever expected or deserve.

I’ll share more in future posts. But for now, it’s just good to rest in trusting God, knowing He has us and hasn’t left us. Joshua 1:5 And He hasn’t left you either. If you’re going through a season of life not making sense, if the rains are pouring down, and the flood waters are rising, I pray you are standing on this same Rock as I. Together, we’ll be safe and secure, and our houses will stand. All other ground is sinking sand.

God bless you!

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