Give Thanks… Even When Bad Happens??

Give Thanks… Even When Bad Happens??

May 2014 was an unbelievably challenging month for our family. I relive in my memory the events that transpired in those thirty days, and I wonder how I made it through with a sane mind. (That may be questionable by some.) But in all seriousness, I don’t know...
Here We Are… The Last First Day

Here We Are… The Last First Day

My son just backed out of the driveway, and drove off for his first day of his Senior year of high school.The lump in my throat is still there. The house is eerily quiet as I sit with my laptop at our dining room table. Looks like it’ll be just me, our outdoor...
How Did We Get Here??

How Did We Get Here??

The last twelve years flashed in front of my eyes Wednesday. Nearly-forgotten memories resurfaced from way back… from way back in time, and from way back within my memory. –The chubby cheek, nearly bald days. –The diaper bag, bottles, and car seat...

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