God Even Cares About Soccer

God Even Cares About Soccer

“This can’t be the end.” Those words flashed through my mind as our soccer team humbly walked toward us with the participation trophy in hand. My eyes locked on our son, and my buried emotions matched his tears. Except for some reason, none of my...
Love Note To My Lefe’s – May 2015

Love Note To My Lefe’s – May 2015

My family. Goodness, I love them so. Each month I write them a love note as I recap some highlights and share memories of the last thirty-or-so days. Here is May’s note… To the wonderful three I am blessed to call my family, I am looking back over our...
Five Weeks!!!

Five Weeks!!!

Making a list and checking it twice doesn’t just happen at Christmastime. Ask any mom of a soon-to-be high school graduate, and she’ll tell you she’s doing just that. And much, much more. Five weeks from today our youngest will walk across that...

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