by Julie Lefebure | Oct 23, 2010 | This Lefe Family
I caught Ali and her volleyball team on video at their last regular season home game this week before their warm ups. It makes me laugh!! :)
by Julie Lefebure | Sep 4, 2010 | This Lefe Family
Ali had another great night of volleyball last night! She’d be the first to admit that she started out a little rough in the first match, but made some adjustments and had what I thought, a very strong performance! We talked about it after she arrived home...
by Julie Lefebure | Aug 26, 2010 | This Lefe Family
Last night was the official kick off of Ali’s volleyball season as she and her team had their first game (actually a tournament) at school.Do I have permission to brag up my Ali-girl? Well, I’m going to… 🙂 Call me partial, biased or prejudiced, but...
by Julie Lefebure | Apr 15, 2010 | This Lefe Family
Last week was a full week of soccer practice for both school soccer and club soccer for Zach. He also had his first 7th/8th grade soccer game on Tuesday! Ali had her last volleyball tournament for the club volleyball season over the weekend. Both Zach and Ali...
by Julie Lefebure | Jan 12, 2010 | This Lefe Family
#17 Rocks! 🙂