by Julie Lefebure | Aug 4, 2014 | personal journey
As strange as it may sound, riding RAGBRAI with my husband this year was a life-altering experience for me. My previous post shares additional details. I learned some pretty cool things about myself out there on the route. Five Things I Learned About Myself On RAGBRAI...
by Julie Lefebure | Jul 27, 2014 | personal journey, This Lefe Family
I just experienced the most amazing week of my life. Seriously. Seven days filled with life-altering, memory-making, perspective-changing moments I will not soon forget. Five of them were on a tandem bicycle with my husband as we rode RAGBRAI. Peddling 320 miles, on...
by Julie Lefebure | Jul 26, 2014 | This Lefe Family
After my previous post yesterday morning, it didn’t take long for the rain to start up again. We rode 4 blocks and decided to park under an overhang near a Subway restaurant to wait it out. Four blocks was enough rain for this girl! Sitting inside Subway, we...
by Julie Lefebure | Jul 25, 2014 | This Lefe Family
5:30am… We’ve been awake since 3:15 after the first few raindrops hit our tent. Bill comes prepared with gear needed for such instances, however. The storm is rolling through as I write this. We, and our things, have stayed dry so far. Thanks to my brother...
by Julie Lefebure | Jul 24, 2014 | This Lefe Family
We’ve made it to day 5! And we’re two-thirds finished with today’s ride. Currently having lunch in Greene. These little towns are full of character and fun! Being a small town girl myself, I appreciate this! People go out of their way to make 10,000+...