The Good You Are Doing

The Good You Are Doing

My son, who is a high school senior, has had a great start to his school year. We’re only a couple weeks into it, but he’s already setting the tone for how the rest of the year should go. I couldn’t be more proud. I told him so last evening....
Be The Hope & Encouragement

Be The Hope & Encouragement

Who matters in your life today? Your spouse? Your friend? Your parents? Your children? Your brother or sister? Your neighbor? A co-worker? Your employer? We all have people in our lives who matter to us. We know who, but do they? Do these special people know how much...
Five Minute Friday – Fill

Five Minute Friday – Fill

Five minutes of unedited, unaltered, unplanned writing. I love Five Minute Friday! It gets me out of my self and frees me up. Linking up with new friend and host for this group, Kate Motaung. We’d love to have you join us! This week’s word:...
Giving Our Words Wings

Giving Our Words Wings

“Ooh, I like her skirt.” “She did such a nice job singing the National Anthem.” “The flowers in their front yard are beautiful.” “I sure like her lip color.” “That man was so friendly helping me pick out the tool I...

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