Eight Words Of Impact

Eight Words Of Impact

“Be someone who matters to someone who matters.” I thought at first I read the words wrong. But as I stood there a minute longer, I realized my eyes were correct the first time. I thought, “That’s pretty cool,” and walked on. But that...
Invest Your Life Into Another’s

Invest Your Life Into Another’s

To be completely honest, the first time I met him he scared me. He was the dad of one of my childhood friends. I didn’t have many opportunities to interact with him back then, but when I did, I was intimidated. He was always kind, and never mean to me, but I...
Your Impact Is Significant

Your Impact Is Significant

You’re a mom who’s raising your children the best way you know how, yet you find yourself second-guessing if you’re doing enough. You’re a teacher of teenagers, and most days it feels both your words and efforts are going in one ear and out the...
We Were Meant To Soar

We Were Meant To Soar

I’ll blame it on my brother. I was always good at that when we were kids. After all, he’s my “little brother.” Even though he stands inches above me now. It’s because of him I’m taking a hard look at my life. If you read...

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