Surrendering Again

by | Jul 20, 2013 | God, me, schedule

I got so upset last night.

I was notified the middle of June that I was chosen for jury duty the month of July. Each weekend I would need to call in to see if I was to report to the courthouse on the following Monday. For the last two weeks when I made that phone call on Friday night, I was told by an automated voice that no one needed to report. I was thrilled with hearing that each time.

Last night when I called in, however, I received a different automated message…my number was chosen to report on Monday morning, along with 85 other people.

My heart sank. I had made plans with our kids that we would all go to the water park together on Monday, not thinking that I would be called to jury duty. My sinking heart turned into a angry heart. I let it affect the rest of my night. I imagined the worst…how long it’s going to take to go through 85 possible jurors on Monday morning…what if I’m selected?…I can’t afford to miss work for long…

You name it, I probably thought of it.

I removed myself to our bedroom and laid on my bed for a few minutes, asking God to help me get a grip. Of course, Bill tried to be upbeat and positive about it, but I just couldn’t.

But this morning, was a different story. I woke up with a different attitude, and I thank God for it. I know God allows things in our lives for a reason. I’ve had enough experiences with Him to know that if He opens a door, then I am to walk through it. If He shuts it, then I’m not to push my way through. If God wants me to report on Monday morning, then I will report on Monday morning. If He wants me to be on a jury, then I will be on a jury. And if He doesn’t, then I trust He’ll stop the process. Why would I treat this in any way different than I do the rest of my life? In my daily prayer, I always acknowledge that nothing that happens in my life isn’t sifted through God’s hands first, and I ask for His guidance for me to do His will and not my own. Here is where the rubber meets the road. This is where surrender takes place.

So I will report on Monday, with a happy heart and a good attitude. Maybe He wants me to meet someone there. Maybe I’m supposed to minister to one of the other 85 people. Maybe I’m supposed to see something or experience something that will teach me. I don’t know, but God does…I’m just considering it part of the adventure with Him.

And after it’s over, I’ll have a new experience to share, and probably another post to write. 🙂

Thanks again for coming along with me on this journey!

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