Real life is not always a bed of roses.
Or a bowl of cherries.
Or full of sunny, 75-degree days.
Life on the big screen may be, but let’s face it, life on the big screen isn’t real.
Life isn’t always perfect, happy, and a piece of cake.
It takes on twists and turns and things pop up we don’t expect.
Life can be difficult, draining and discouraging.
Honestly, life can be hard some days, can’t it?
(What a great way to start a post, huh? Doom and gloom. But keep reading. Hope is coming soon…)
It’s quite possible you’re walking through a hard day today. Or maybe you just came through one. Or see one appearing on the horizon.
Friend, take courage. When the hard days come, we were never meant to go through them alone.
I cling often to two scriptures that bless me in the hard days, and I pray they bless you and give you hope.
Jeremiah 31:15 (The Voice):
I will satisfy those who are weary, and I will refresh every soul in the grips of sorrow.
Jesus’ words in John 16:33 (The Message):
“I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”
I know what it’s like to attempt to “be strong” and walk through the hard days on my own strength. It’s difficult and draining, and is too much for me to handle. But, peace comes, and my strength returns when I hand the hard days over to the One who can truly handle them.
It’s a burden we were never meant to bear alone. And it’s refreshing to let go and let Jesus bear it for us.
I don’t have a clue what you are walking through today, but Jesus knows it full well. He wants to help, but is waiting to be invited to come alongside of you in the difficulty.
Asking for His help in the hard days isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s actually a sign of strength. His strength.
Don’t let another moment go by without asking for His help.
He’ll take your hand and you’ll walk through the hard days together.
And if you’d like, this sojourner will be following close behind, encouraging you every step of the way.
There is hope in the hard days. His name is Jesus.
Cling to this hope today, friend!
Standing with you in faith,
#sundaytruth: Sharing truth from God’s Word on Sunday to inspire us through the week ahead.

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Beautiful truths. So thankful I came to read them today.
Thank you, Barbie. I’m thankful you came by too! Praying your week is blessed!