When The Storms Of Life Come – Part 2

by | Sep 1, 2018 | personal journey

Storms. I began this story of a recent personal storm in yesterday’s post. If you missed it, you might want to read that first. This post is Part 2.

What do we do when the storms of life come?

What do we do when the storms of life come?

The disciples in Mark 4:35-41 found themselves in quite a storm on the Sea of Galilee. This account is a great reminder for when the storms of life come. It show us there’s one determining factor that makes all the difference. That one thing is who is in our boat. Who are we traveling with through this life? Let’s ask ourselves, “Who or what is in my boat?”

Our families? Our friends? Is it our stuff? Our money? Oftentimes we put such an emphasis on these good things, we forget about the greatest thing. Yes, it’s good to have family, friends, and things in life that bring us joy. But, they can’t calm the storms that come, nor can they calm us through them. We see how only Jesus can do that.

Look at what He did on the Sea of Galilee.

That storm didn’t stand a chance, did it? It raged and roared, but it had no power once Jesus spoke to it. Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea three words. “Peace. Be still.” And, all went quiet. All calmed down. All obeyed the Son of God’s command.

What storm are you facing now? Alone, you and I sitting ducks. A storm can swallow us in one big gulp. But, Jesus is stronger than any storm. When He’s in our boat, and when we’re traveling with Him, we can live by the faith we have in Him. Even if it seems He may be sleeping in the stern, we can trust He’s got us. We are safe with Him.

That’s not to say the storms won’t come as we follow Jesus. After all, it was His idea that He and the disciples go to the other side of the sea. Just because Jesus is in our boat and we’re following Him doesn’t mean the storms will stay away. Storms tend to grow our faith, to strengthen us, and to force us to rely on Jesus.

They teach us Who is really in control.

Did you catch the question the disciples asked sleeping Jesus? “Do you not care that we are perishing?” How many times have we thought and asked similar questions, “Jesus, do you not care about me and what I’m going through?” Or we may think the storm we’re in isn’t worth His bother.

But, Jesus cares about it all. He cares about every single thing you and I go through and He is willing to go through the storms with us. Will we invite Him to do so?

The thing is, the disciples had just spent some dedicated time with Jesus, learning from him, being taught by him, watching Him do what only Jesus could do. You’d think they’d be strong in their faith. Yet, their faith wavered when the rubber met the road. They forgot who was in their boat.

No wonder Jesus asked why they still had no faith.

You and I have also spent time learning from Jesus and His teachings. We’ve seen Him do amazing things in our lives and in the lives of those around us. We have every reason, just as the disciples did, to respond to the storms in faith and not fear. We can trust Jesus has us.

Four hours later I signed the hospital discharge papers and we were ready to head home. All tests determined I DID NOT have a heart attack. Praise God!

But they didn’t know what caused my pain.

This ensued a myriad of additional medical tests over the next six weeks. Tests I can’t even pronounce yet begin to understand. Yet, Jesus was in my boat through each one. All test results came back the same… normal and healthy. Did Jesus calm my storm? What I know for sure is He calmed me. Those three words “Peace. Be Still.” were also for me.

Friends, invite Jesus into your boat. Ask Him to be your traveling partner through this life. And, if you’re already sailing along with Him, continue to allow Him to strengthen your faith. Live faith-filled and fearless in the name of Jesus.

And just like the disciples, we will be filled with great awe and say to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

Amen and amen!

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  1. Cindy

    I’m so thankful everything tested normally for you! A blessing for sure! So, here’s one of my many challenges these days…..I’m living in a time of blessing and I sometimes spend time in fear of when the next storm is going to come instead of living gratefully in this time of calm. Crazy right? God has to work overtime on this gal! I love that new song “Fear is a Liar”. I am trying to take those words to heart and I truly need the words you’ve written in these two posts Julie! Thank you for sharing your personal storm as an inspiration for your readers.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Cindy, I love that song! It speaks truth to my sometimes fearful heart. I totally get what you are saying about living gratefully in the current time of calm. I’m praying God helps you do that this very day. Much love to you, friend!

  2. ordinarilyextraordinarymom

    I love this Julie. I am so quick to forget what God has already done in my life instead of trusting Him in the middle of new storms. Awesome reminder.

    • Julie Lefebure

      I think we all can forget. I need the reminder too. Thanks for stopping in! Bless you.

  3. Kim

    Yes! Inviting Jesus into the storm, into our boat, changes our focus from self and fear. Why do I forget this? And, so true, storms grow us and our relationship with Jesus, so they are beneficial even if not fun.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kim, I forget it too. Maybe one of these times it’ll stick?! I’m glad God uses everything for good, even the storms! Bless you!


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