Tuesday was a difficult day for me. (You could probably tell that in reading my post.) 🙂 Through Tuesday and Wednesday morning at BSF, I couldn’t seem to be able to stop the tears. I find though, that God brings healing through my tears.
God continues to prompt me to trust Him as I work through some of this stuff. Giving God all the things I’m dealing with is the absolute best thing I can do. Healing has begun, and I’m so thankful!
I find it no coincidence that Wednesday’s devotional in my Jesus Calling daily devotional book had to do with trusting Him. It read…
“I am taking care of you. Trust Me at all times. Trust Me in all circumstances. Trust Me with all your heart. When you are weary and everything seems to be going wrong, you can still utter these four words: ‘I trust You, Jesus.’ By doing so, you release matters into My control, and you fall back into the security of My everlasting arms.
Before you arise from your bed in the morning, I have already arranged the events of your day. Every day provides many opportunities for you to learn My ways and grow closer to Me. Signs of My Presence brighten even the dullest day when you have eyes that really see. Search for Me as for hidden treasure. I will be found by you.”
Proverbs 3:5; Deuteronomy 33:27; Jeremiah 29:13-14
I am comforted again, being reminded by this reading that He’s with me, He loves me, and He has His best for me! AMEN!!

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