Interested in hope-filled words
at your next event?

Interested in hope-filled words
at your next event?
I not only write, but I speak, too! With over fifteen years of experience in public speaking, I offer real encouragement for real life to larger groups and various audiences. If you’re looking for hope-filled words at your next event, contact me here.
We relate to one another as we share our real-life, hope-filled experiences. My life lessons and the personal stories I share help others not feel so alone or isolated. After all, we’re all in this together!
Whether it’s sharing messages based on scripture during church services, encouraging women in large business groups, offering hope through uplifting talks at women’s gatherings and luncheons, or leading small groups and Bible studies, I’m honored and humbled to share such life-filled words!
Some topics I speak on include:
- Blooming Where You’re Planted
- Living Faith-Filled and Fearless
- Goodbye Guilt
- Beyond Brokenness
- Living Loved
- Embracing Who You Are
- Why Me, Lord?
- It’s All Going to Be Okay
- Burned-out on Busy
- Rediscovering Christmas
- Simplify the Season
Quarterly I host an evening of encouragement for women called BYOB and B (Bring Your Own Bible and Buddy) in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa area. Designed to equip, refresh, and encourage women, the topics vary according to the season or time of year. Come check out the next one!
I’d love to encourage your group or church! Contact me if you or someone you know would be blessed by encouraging, life-filled words.