Need Some Hope? A Simple Prayer For You Today

by | Oct 13, 2020 | #open2020, prayer

I strapped on my walking shoes this morning, ready to watch the sunrise as I walked. I opened our front door to head outside, and the chilly wind slapped me in the face. It was stronger than I prefer walking in. So, I sadly changed out of my outside walking clothes into my inside walking clothes and headed down to our basement to our treadmill.

As I was doing so, however, something caught my eye. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the bright morning colors appearing already out our kitchen window. So, I opened the window, stuck my phone outside and snapped one of the most beautiful sunrises.

Some days just don’t go as we plan.

Even at 7 a.m.! Sure, I was disappointed to not walk outside, but I believe God blessed me anyway with the sight of this morning’s sunrise. It was gorgeous!

I thought about you right then. I thought about how you might be feeling as the sun rose over the horizon. Maybe your day wasn’t going as planned, too. I wondered how your day was starting, what you had on your schedule for today, and how you are doing through these days of the pandemic. I though of your cares, your concerns, your worries. And, I thought of for what you might need prayer.

Need some hope? A simple prayer for you today.

I whispered a simple prayer for you then, and wrote it down.

Lord, I thank You for my friend who is reading this today. I thank You for bringing her into my life. Father, please meet her in her need and bless her with Your presence. Give her Your wisdom and peace as she makes decisions today. Equip her with truth, fill her with hope, and surround her with Your love. Shine Your light into her life so she can reflect Your light in this world. Open her eyes to see You in all things today, to praise Your Holy Name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I may not know what you’re facing or how you’re feeling or what circumstances fill your life today. Nor do I know the struggles, the pain, the hardships you might be facing. I also don’t likely know what real-life situations fill your reality.

But, what I do know is God knows them all. He sees them all. And, we are never alone in what we go through. Some days we could use a reminder of these truths, because sometimes we get distracted with life happening all around us. Sometimes a simple prayer is what brings us the most hope.

Sometimes it helps to read the words someone else is praying to God on your behalf.

So, friend, if you need some hope today, I pray this prayer tuned you into the Source of all hope. I pray God is filling you with His never-ending hope, not just for today, but for in the days to come. Because someone else might need a reminder of where your hope comes from.

Feel free to print off this simple prayer and pray it for yourself or for a friend. And trust God will answer.

A Simple Prayer For You Today


Is there a certain simple prayer you are praying today? I’d love to read it. Who knows, maybe your simple prayer may be the hope someone else could use right now.

Have a great day, friend. I appreciate you and am praying for you!

Much love,

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Julie Lefebure
Need some hope? A simple prayer for you today.
A Simple Prayer For You Today
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