Believe it or not, I found the secret to living a life of joy and abundance!
What comes to mind when you think of joy? What do you think of when you hear the word abundance? Our culture tells us that a life of joy and abundance come from acquiring lots of possessions such as owning a large home, driving expensive cars, holding down a prominent job, wearing trendy clothes, taking elaborate vacations, achieving important accomplishments, and having a large bank account.
The life of joy and abundance I’m referring to, however, has nothing to do with what we own or our work or what we achieve or the trips we take. When we put our hopes of abundance and joy in these things, well, we will find they don’t measure up to what we expect them to. They don’t satisfy our souls like we think they will.
Our culture and this world doesn’t understand the true source of abundance and joy. And what I’m about to say doesn’t make sense to them.
A life of joy and abundance comes from God, not our things.
I share four Scriptures that reference this, and the one from Isaiah might be my favorite! I also highlight a snippet of Chapter 6 of my book, Right Now Matters, that may help us understand why this is so important.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 15-minute episode.
If we experience disappointments and discouragements in this life, and even if life doesn’t go as we plan, when our hope isn’t on our circumstances, but is on God, we will continue to live a life of joy and abundance. It matters where our hope lies. That’s the key.
How will we partner with God today and in the days to come?
I am praying for you and for your life of joy and abundance today.
Links in this episode:
- John 10:10 Voice
- My book–Right Now Matters: Empowering Right-Now Women in a Culture of Distraction
- Jeremiah 29:11 ESV
- Isaiah 58:11 ESV
- 1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT
- John 10:28 ESV
- John 14:6 ESV
- Access my free Resource Library filled with tools and helps to equip and encourage you
- Join the Right Now Matters Bible Study group session waitlist