Rollin’ With It

by | Feb 5, 2014 | personal journey

Here we go again…

I woke sometime in the middle of the night to the sound of the wind. Light snow had fallen most of yesterday, so combined with the wind, I imagined I would find drifts everywhere around our home this morning.

The first drift I noticed was the one that formed in front of the cat houses out back. As soon as daylight broke, I went out with a shovel and made a path to them. With windchill readings expected to be in the -30’s again tonight, I wanted to get these farm cats of ours back inside the garage. It was raw out there. (I’m thankful school is cancelled today.)

If you’ve read a couple of back posts (Lesson From Farm Cats & Rescue Mission Update), then you are familiar with the ordeals I’ve experienced with these cats as I’ve tried to herd them inside our garage to protect them on bitterly cold days and nights. I had to chuckle… just like the two times before, seven of the ten followed me back into the garage, and three are refusing to leave their houses. Right or wrong, I’m not going to fetch the three this time. God taught me a lesson the last time this happened (just last week). When they are ready (or cold enough), they’ll come in.

Through this I’m reminded, sometimes things happen that are out of our control. There’s not one thing we can do about them. Those are usually the hardest for me. I have a tendency to want to fix things. To make things right. To make things better. To want to help God with His job. (Like He needs my help. Really?? Like last week with our wayward cat.) When I can’t fix the situation, I tend to get frustrated. Or at least I used to. I am learning to release control. Or as my husband says, to “roll with it.”

Similarly, I have surrendered to the fact that I don’t need to fix anything or take things into my own hands regarding my life. I just need to let God be God, to continue to seek His will, and to let Him guide me one step at a time. I don’t need to see the full picture. I don’t need to have all the answers. He’s got my life already planned out. I can trust Him with it. And I can “roll with it.”

There’s such freedom in releasing control, isn’t there??!! God’s in charge. I’m thankful I don’t have to be.

You know, I love how God continues to teach me through these silly farm cats. 🙂

Have a great Wednesday!

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