Empowering Right-Now Women in a Culture of Distraction




Empowering Right-Now Women in a Culture of Distraction



Are you ready to transform your daily discontent into a life of purpose and peace?

If you’ve ever felt like life is passing you by as you juggle endless to-do lists, relentless notifications, and unexpected interruptions, you’re not alone. In a world plagued by distracted living, we often miss the extraordinary moments unfolding right before our eyes.

Right Now Matters: Empowering Right-Now Women in a Culture of Distraction is for women who are living distracted, overloaded lives, and are missing the priceless daily moments happening right in front of them. 

Drawing from a Harvard study revealing that nearly half of our waking hours are spent lost in thought, Right Now Matters sheds light on the insidious grip of distracted living. In an era where constant demands and digital detours pull us away, this transformative book offers a beacon of hope for women seeking a more meaningful, fulfilling life.

Right Now Matters addresses this discouraging, sometimes unrealized manner of living. Through hope, understanding, and timeless biblical truths, it offers a path toward reclaiming every precious moment.

It’s time to embrace a life free from distraction and immerse yourself in God’s gift of the present moment. Experience the liberating power of Right Now Matters, and watch as your life transforms into one of abundance and peace.


Now Available!

Right Now Matters Bible Study: A 28-Day Adventure to Living as a Right-Now Woman

is a multifaceted companion for the woman who is desiring to live in the moment and stay present. This personalized study will help you recognize distractions and overcome them–taking you deeper into God’s Word and searching the Scriptures to learn God’s truth. We are Right-Now Women because right now matters.



Join the Right Now Matters Bible Study groups!

Are you ready to embrace the abundant life Jesus came to give you?

I invite you to join me for the Right Now Matters Bible Study groups where for five weeks we’ll learn together how to thrive beyond the distractions that bombard us on a daily basis and how to live as Right-Now Women, embracing every right-now moment. We’ll dig into Scripture and invite God to help us become the women He desires us to be.
Our next online session begins April 16! 






In a world constantly vying for our attention, Right Now Matters is a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to overcome distraction and live a God-glorifying life. Julie offers relatable examples from her own life, research-backed strategies, and sound Biblical teaching to help you regain your focus. With journaling prompts, she also helps you pause and reflect on the areas where you need the most help in overcoming distraction.  This book is not just a guide; it’s a game-changer as you become a Right-Now Woman!

Jennifer Dukes Lee

Author of Growing Slow and Stuff I’d Only Tell God

If you’ve ever missed a key moment in a loved one’s life because you were too distracted to notice, this book is for you! I highly recommend Right Now Matters by Julie Lefebure because it offers easy, practical tools for overcoming distractions so we can live in the presence of God today. Right Now Matters graciously guides the reader to be intentionally present in the right now and make an eternal impact by avoiding the lure of distraction. This book will help increase the quality and effectiveness of your life as you embrace living undistracted!

Nicole Williams

Author of Rise Up: Believing God When the World is Falling Apart

Are you living distracted? I know this is a struggle for me, so I am thankful for Julie Lefebure’s book, Right Now Matters. As I read through the pages, I can relate to her stories, specifically missing a son’s goal while being physically present but not emotionally. Her honesty and transparency coupled with the practical tools and tips in her book will help all of us to live in the moment and be intentional with our loved ones. This book is a must read if you, too, need help living undistracted in the Right Now moment.

Jodi Rosser

Author of Depth: Growing Through Heartbreak to Strength

For a world plagued by an epidemic of distraction, Julie Lefebure shares her personal struggles and triumphs, along with practical solutions, and most importantly the path to freedom through Hope in Christ. In all the ways, and for all the reasons so sentimentally shared in this book – Right. Now. Matters.

Meredith Bernard

This Farm Wife

Julie Lefebure does a great job of showing us how to recognize the distractions in our lives that keep us from having the ability to draw closer to God. By conquering those things that distract us, we’re able to think about the present and live the life the Lord has planned for us. To help us understand the harm of distractions, she shares Bible verses, examples of her personal experiences, and the tools she has used to stay focused on what’s happening “right now.” The Scripture, her experiences, and her many tools are easy to understand, simple to use, and effective.

Reverend Barbara Rose Furman

Author of It Is Well With My Soul: My Story

“As someone who has juggled numerous responsibilities, it has been hard to live in the moment and not think about the next thing on my list. But, in Right Now Matters, Julie has shown me how God doesn’t want that kind of life for me. Julie’s tips taught me how to shut off the distractions and live in the moment because right now truly does matter.”

Stacie Gorkow

I needed help focusing my mind throughout the day instead of constantly being distracted by meandering thoughts and time wasters. By reading Right Now Matters I received practical tools to help me regain my thoughts and focus on what matters in the moment. As I practice the applicable resources I’m learning how to focus on my purpose and enjoy life more.

Janet Brown

“We live in such a distracted time, and as women we have more things on our plates than ever! This book is a much needed resource that will help you understand why you’re distracted and overwhelmed and what to do about it!”

Sara Ward

Do you desire further guidance and support in living as a Right-Now Woman?

Right Now Matters Bible Study: A 28-Day Guided Adventure to Living as a Right-Now Woman releases January 2024.

Right-Now Women Life Declarations
Right Now Matters Scripture and Prayer Cards title card


The free printable bonuses mentioned in the Appendix of Right Now Matters are HERE!

Let me know your best email address and I’ll get those to you asap.



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About the author

Knowing firsthand what it’s like to live distracted, Julie Lefebure, speaker, writer, and host of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, desires for women to live abundant and joy-filled lives by embracing a “right now” mentality and presence in their everyday lives. Born, raised, and still living in rural Iowa, she is fond of sunrises and sunsets, time spent with family, and tandem bicycling with her husband. 


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Julie Lefebure
Right-Now Women Life Declarations
Right Now Matters Scripture and Prayer Cards title card
Life is too important to have it pass you by.

I'm @julielefebure, and I'm here to help women live the abundant lives they are designed to live. Come along on the adventure! 

#abundantlife #missinglife #makeachange #livefully #abundantlifementor
Feeling overwhelmed and overloaded today?

Invite God into your circumstances. Safety, security, and peace are found in His presence. With God, watch the feelings of overwhelm and overload disappear. 

Life is too short to not live it abundantly.

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Many women know they're stuck and, sadly, they stay there.

But we don't have to. If you're ready to stop settling for
When worry creeps in, it’s easy to let our minds spiral into “what ifs” and worst-case scenarios. But what if, instead of worrying, we chose to pray?

Worry changes nothing, but prayer changes everything. It shifts our focus from our problems to God’s power. It invites peace into chaos and replaces fear with faith.

Today, when worry knocks at your door, choose to pray instead. Talk to God about what’s on your heart. Lay your burdens at His feet, and let His peace guard your mind.

Let’s choose prayer over worry today!

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” — Philippians 4:6 (NLT)

#praynotworry #prayinstead #abundantlife #faithoverfear #trustGod #dontworry
Facing one of life's storms?

I've heard it said we either just got through a storm, we are in the middle of one, or one is coming up over the horizon. 

Life is full of storms. They don't play favorites, and they don't play nice. But we don't need to face them alone.

God is with us in every moment, even in the stormy ones. May we seek Him, trust Him, and rely on Him to not just survive the storm but to thrive through it. He's greater than any storm we'll ever face.

Listen to episode 189 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast for more. 

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It’s time to break free from what’s holding you back and embrace a life of purpose and abundance!

Let’s journey together—my Abundant Life Mentoring is designed to help you step boldly into the life you were created for.

Buckle up and let’s go!

I'm @julielefebure, and I am here to help you live the abundant life you were designed to live. Comment or DM
What is an abundant life, anyway?

It's not what this world says it is. It's so much more than that.

Which one of these resonates with you?

I'm @julielefebure, and I'm here to help you live the abundant life Jesus came to give you. Come along on the adventure! 

#abundantlife #adventure #abundantlifementor #livefully #lifehack
Are you facing one of life's storms today or know someone who is? ⛈️

If so, episode 189 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast is for you. It dropped earlier this morning, and in it, we discuss how to find peace in the storms of life. We are not alone in the storms we face, and I offer tangible ways to not just survive the storm but to thrive through it.

Listen to the short snippet here and find the full 19-minute episode @julielefebure or wherever you listen to podcasts.

An abundant life awaits you, even in the storms of life.

#abundantlife #encouragementforreallifepodcast #stormsoflife #encouragement #podcast
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