I spent part of yesterday in an activity I don’t particularly enjoy. In fact, it’s almost torture for me.
It’s been a few years since I’ve done it, namely because I dislike it so much.
But, I couldn’t put it off any longer. I had to force myself into this unpleasant undertaking… the daunting task of finding a swimsuit.
From those of us of the female gender, did I hear a communal groan? I don’t believe I’m the only one who dreads this task.
Friend, do you dislike finding a swimsuit as much as I do?
The older I get, the more I find it to be discouraging and somewhat defeating. Not only has my skin not seen the light of day over the Midwestern winter months, but for some reason beyond my knowledge, swimsuit sizing does a number on my body confidence.
Take for example, I wear a size medium in a popular brand of athletic wear… except, I guess, in their swimsuits. I grabbed my normal size in this brand off the rack, but could barely get it on. Fun times. Good thing I also brought into the dressing room the next larger size. After tugging and squeezing and finally getting it to cover what needed to be covered, I nearly laughed out loud at how ridiculous I looked.
It went back on the rack. The struggle is real, my friend!
After trying on several different suits in multiple stores, I left with all of them hanging on the rack.
I felt bigger and heavier and lower than I had felt in a long, long time.
To make matters worse, I came home and continued the degrading search online. I should have known better. Every single model looked great in the swimsuit she was modeling. So different from the way I looked in any of those I tried on earlier in the day.
Yes, the struggle in finding a swimsuit is very real.
It’s a good thing I believe and have accepted the truth that my worth is not determined by my clothing size or how I look in a swimsuit. Even though the world might say it is, and even on those days I may feel like it is, it is not.
My worth is determined by my Creator.
God considers me worthy, and so, I am.
If I may remind you, friend, He considers you worthy, too. And so, you are.
You and I can take comfort in who we are as children of God. He created each of us, and because He did, we share in His worthiness. God considers everything He created special and good and yes, worthy.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Psalm 139:13-15
Yet, what about those days when we feel the opposite… when we feel worthless?
Like on a day of swimsuit searching? Or when we mess up for the 234th time? Or when someone–even if it’s ourselves–tells us we aren’t worthy? When we experience days like this, we don’t have to believe our feelings. We don’t have to follow how we feel. What if we believed God, instead?
I would venture to guess God probably isn’t concerned about how we look in a swimsuit, but more about our relationship with Him.
God may not care what size we are, but more about how we live our lives and how we care for what He’s given us.
The world cares more about what’s seen, as God tends to draw attention to what’s unseen.
Yes, there might be a real struggle with finding a swimsuit this season. But this struggle doesn’t need to affect our worth. Let’s not let it, friend.
Let’s live worthy… even in a swimsuit this season.
Linking this post with friends Anita, Lori, and Holly.

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Oh, you’ve hit my pain point on this one! Once I learned about the Rez bikini, I was sold! Buy any swimsuit, no matter how awful it looks. Cover it with a dark t-shirt and a pair of men’s gym shorts any time you plan on getting in the water. End of story. I have yet to go on a school outing that involves swimming someplace that requires something more (less) than a Rez bikini–after all, what student wants to see their ancient teacher in a SWIMSUIT! How horrifying! I could ruin them for life! Ok, now that I’m done sharing my pain, let’s talk about the lesson you reminded me of–God doesn’t care how I look in a bikini or a swimsuit–thank goodness! I needed that reminder.
Rez bikini? Never heard of it… but I’m glad you shared it with me. Men’s gym shorts sound like the perfect answer! I needed this reminder too, Anita. Thanks for being here and for hosting us at your place on Mondays. Have a blessed week!
Swimsuits? I don’t go there, because I have the overall appearance of Gimli, from Lord Of the Rings. Ugh.
I’m beginning to think I shouldn’t go there either, Andrew. You made me smile with your comment. Thanks for that!
Julie, this post is spot-on! This is so encouraging for a discouraging topic. Visiting from #momentsofhope
Hi Sarah! Thank you for stopping in and for sharing. Hope your week is blessed!
Amen! I think swimsuit manufacturers purposefully make their water apparel 5 sizes smaller than normal! 🙂 Thank goodness for Jesus and the cure for an identity crisis. I’ll remember your sage words as I begin the dreaded shop this year, Julie. Visiting via #testimonyTuesday.
Thanks, Kristi. I finally found one that will work! Whew. But I agree… thankful Jesus handles our identity. Bless you, friend!
Amen sister friend! Just the thought of looking for a swimsuit leaves me cold and clammy. I am grateful God doesn’t care about how I look in a swimsuit but deeply cares about me. Blessings on your week!
Mary, I’m glad for that, too! Blessings to you as well.
The last swimsuit I bought was maternity. And I only wore it a few times pregnant, but saw no reason to get rid of it post baby. It had a pouchy part for my still pouchy bell, post baby. I guess now that it has been over a year I will have to find something new for this swim season. I really do love my body, but I’m starting to notice more of the imperfections as having children can make it hard to be the you, you used to be. So wish me luck! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Amanda, yes, I wish you the best in your search! So glad we don’t have to wrap our identities in our swim suits! Blessings to you.
I so despise looking for a new swimsuit. A friend introduced me to a website that has been a life saver. swimsuits.com has a great variety. Love you friend!
I’ll check it out. Thanks, Tara.