Welcome to our guest episode for the month! Joining me on the podcast today is my son, Zach Lefebure. Zach is a very wise soul, even though he’s only in his late twenties. He’s a business owner, a newlywed, and I say he is a man after God’s own heart. He’s a fun person to hang out with and he’s a great son. I love watching our grown kids grow into the people that God desires them to be and find their way in their lives. In this episode we discuss growing relationships, the mom/son relationship, faith in God, and taking bold steps to follow God’s calling. I believe you’ll be encouraged by Zach and his words today!

Zach Lefebure knows how to build relationships.
It’s something I wish I would have learned at such a young age. But he does this beautifully, and I’ve watched him in action, especially while he’s photographing at a wedding or another event. Did you catch that he prays behind the scenes for the couples he photographs on their wedding day? I think that’s so cool, and it’s eternally impactful.
I also appreciated what he had to say about our son/mom relationship. Wouldn’t it be helpful if we as parents asked our children- (if age appropriate) what we’re doing well as parents and what can we improve upon? It’s a conversation worth having with our kids, even if it may feel uncomfortable or if we hear things that we really don’t care to hear. We can allow our kids to be honest with us.
One thing we didn’t mention, which I think is important, is we always had dinner (or supper–whatever you call it) together at the kitchen table. It was a rare occasion when we didn’t all sit down together for a meal at the end of our full days. That made a big impact in our family relationships.
Click the player above to listen to the full 33-minute episode.
What encouraged you the most in this episode?
I’d love to know. Feel free to contact me through social media or my website. It would make my day to hear from you!
I’m a proud mom of Zach Lefebure, and I’m grateful for all God continues to do through him and our relationship together. Thanks for tuning in today, and share this with a friend who could use some encouragement. Stay encouraged!
Links in this episode:
- Contact Zach and see his work at Zach Captures Photography
- Access my free Resource Library to stay encouraged daily
- Work with me 1-on-1 in my Abundant Life Mentoring
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