Reagan sat on my lap as we watched Ali and the rest of the group perform from the third row. Of course, my attention was focused on Ali. She did wonderful…full of smiles, bright eyes, singing and dancing perfectly (I thought anyway), crisp moves with “jazz hands”, and even winks every now and then to the crowd (and to Reagan)! I couldn’t have been more proud of her. And watching Reagan as she watched Ali, gave me incredible joy. Reagan had a smile on her face almost the entire time, as her eyes were fixed on Ali.
I didn’t find out until later that evening that during their critique time after their perfmance, Ali was awarded the Star Performer Award for her show choir!! In each show choir, one performer was chosen as the “Star Performer”–that one who stood out and performed well! We were all so very proud of her, especially her Mom!
Congratulations Ali! You are so deserving of this award! I am so completely proud of you…not only for your achievements, but for who you are as a person! I’m glad God chose me to be your Mom!!! 🙂
(Below is a video of one of their songs performed at a competition in January. Ali is on the far left in front most of the time.)