Today school was cancelled due to the weather and the road conditions. It’s our first “Snow Day” of the school year! Ali is especially excited, as Seniors don’t have to make up snow days!! She gets out on the same day, no matter how many snow days we have!
The highlight of my day (thus far) was seeing both Ali’s and Zach’s faces this morning. After my alarm went off at 6am, I checked the cancellations on my phone. School was delayed two hours. I set my alarm for two hours later and went back to bed. 🙂 At 8am, I saw that classes were cancelled for the day. I fell back asleep. Close to 9am, Ali came in our bedroom with the biggest smile on her face, realizing they didn’t have school and that I didn’t wake her up! I woke Zach up at 9:46. As he was trying to wake up, I told him school was cancelled today. He had the biggest smile on his face, raised his hands above him with closed fists and said, “YES! I am so happy!” He bounded out of bed! Both of them made me smile…
My coffee seems to taste even better today. Our home seems even more warm and cozy today. And I’m enjoying still being in my jammies at 11am! I love snow days!!
Ali and Zach have their own ideas of how to spend the day at home. Gone are the days of making crafts and baking together on days like this. Zach is downstairs on his Xbox. Ali is in her room on her laptop. I’ll soon be heading downstairs to do some organizing in my office and also get my workout in. Ali wants to go shopping this afternoon. That’s the last thing I feel like doing right now. We’ll see if that happens or not. 🙂 I still love snow days, even though they look different than they used to! I love having everyone home! (Bill is even home…he worked last night and is sleeping today.)
I’m getting caught up on laundry…finally. The kids still need to do their chores from the weekend that didn’t get done. I’m hoping to do some reading at some point today, and tonight if Ali doesn’t have show choir practice, I’d love to have a “movie night” here at home.
I have much to be thankful for today! The sun is shining. We are all healthy (except Zach has a cold). We have a warm home and food in our cupboards. We have each other. And…we have a snow day!
Enjoy your Monday! This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!

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