I made the mistake this week of casting my focus forward into the next few months.
Big mistake. In doing so, I saw all that’s waiting for me on the horizon. The difficult tasks, the daunting deadlines, the longer-than-life lists, the pressure of performing, the overwhelming undertakings. It was too much for this girl to bear.
The result was as if I curled myself up in a tight, little ball in fetal position. I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move. The horizon was a mountain, too big for me to climb. It was impossible to take one more step forward. I wanted to retreat. To run as fast as I could back to my old life. My simple, less demanding, comfortable, former life.
The enemy of my soul was having a hey-day.
The thoughts of running tempted me so. But something deep within reminded me I wasn’t alone on this path. I began to recall God’s promises of Him never leaving my side. I fastened my heart to each one.
And I landed on the one I knew was for me in that moment.
“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” Matthew 6:34 The Message
The Living Bible’s translation struck me even more,
“So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.”
Live one day at a time.
With eyes closed, followed by a deep breath, I whispered, “God, help me live one day at a time.”
Propelling our sights into the future is not what God calls us to do. We aren’t to live in the past, nor the future. We are to live day-to-day. We are to live in this day.
His mercies are new each morning.
Give us today our daily bread.
The Israelites were instructed to gather manna daily.
Twenty-four hours. God knew that’s all we could handle. And sometimes that’s more than what this girl can take on. But with God, with Him guiding us, and with His hand in ours, we can face whatever comes our way in those twenty-four hours.
Is there something on your horizon you’ve been fretting about? Is there a larger-than-life mountain up ahead? Are your sights set on the future instead of the twenty-four hours you’re currently walking in?
Friend, close your eyes. Take a deep breath, and whisper my same words, “God, help me live one day at a time.”
There’s no need to fret about what might or might not happen tomorrow. God is with us today, and He’ll be with us in the days to come. Keep your hand in His, and everything will be just fine.
I uncurled from my fetal position, and was able to take one step forward, all the while holding the hand of the One Who has me.
One day at a time.
Oh, wait. What’s that song?? I found it! May it take you back, may it bless you, and may we live out this truth. One day at a time. (Fast forward about 25 seconds.)
It’s a gift to link this post up with my friends at The Weekend Brew.

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This is exactly where I have been. Living in the stress of things coming up in my near future. It is overwhelming. Thank you for this timely reminder. “God, help me live one day at a time.” Amen.
I’m with you Kim, and I’m glad we are in this together! I’m praying for you today. Let’s help each other live one day at a time.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift — that’s why we call it the present. Thanks for the beautiful post — I needed this reminder. Linked up with you at the Weekend Brew.
God bless,
Yes, it most certainly is a present. Bless you for stopping by. Have a great week!
I’m so thankful I came here from the Weekend Brew, that scripture in the Message version is just what I needed.
Thank you, Elizabeth. God bless you and your week ahead! I appreciate you stopping in and sharing here.
I love that you come hang out at The Weekend Brew. So blessed to have you there. As for these words today-mercy me! Yes I can relate and make the mistake too often of thinking ahead and becoming overwhelmed and then I have to step back. The forward momentum that I was trying to create comes to a stop as I have to regroup to make it through the next day. One day at a time should be our goal everyday to let God do the good work that He began. Thank you for the song too. I have not heard that one before! Have a great week!
Hi Mary! Thank you for stopping by. It’s a gift to be a part of The Weekend Brew! I appreciate your words here, “to let God do the good work that He began.” Amen. I remember hearing that song as a little girl. Bless you, wonderful friend!
Julie today is gone and tomorrow is a new day and a knew gift. He has a new gift for everyone every day. God Bless you.
Amen, friend!