Twelve days ago it was on my heart to go.
As I pondered, and questioned, and prayed, “Should I??,” God made my path very clear.
Yes, I was to go.
My bags are packed, and today I’m flying out to Maryland for a week to help a friend. She’s been dealing with much as of late, and as God has been with her and provided all she needs thus far, I believe I’m part of His care for her and her family. I look forward to our time together, and to seeing what God might do through us both.
Goodness, we’ve been friends since 5th Grade. We lived life in small-town Iowa, and she moved east as I remained in that small town. Now that we’re “grown up,” and hundreds of miles apart, I’m thankful we’re still in each other’s lives.
It might be a little less active here on the blog while I’m gone. Or maybe it won’t be. I’ll give updates and check in if I can. And yes, I’ll be also be posting photos and updates on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter of my #marylandadventure.
God bless you, friend. I’ll be praying for you. (And I would welcome your prayers as well!)
Thank you for being a part of my life!

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