My 2009 "Focuses"

by | Jan 5, 2009 | goals

I’ve always believed in setting goals for the new year. Some people call it resolutions. I like to call it goals. Life can slip by us so quickly, and five years can pass without us even realizing how fast they’ve gone by. When we set some sort of goals for ourselves, we can measure our progress over time. Goals also help us narrow our focus towards where we are going in life.

In the past I’ve set goals that I do not have any control over. I’ve set big goals that in no way could I attain. In both instances, that can be very defeating! I’ve set goals for others. (That makes no sense!) I’ve set goals that have nothing to do with nothing. (Why did I even set them in the first place?) I’ve set small goals, which in no way makes me stretch and grow. I’ve set goals without seeking God first. (Again, that makes no sense!) I’ve also set goals though that were right on-target and I achieved each one. Those are the best! 🙂

This year…mine are more “focuses.” They are areas where I want to put my focus on. I have three of them, and even though they aren’t completely specific, I’m excited about them, and I can do things to make each one of them happen.

#1 Be healthy. That means for me to exercise in some sort of fashion, preferably 5 days a week, eat more healthy, get more rest and take time out for “me” more often. I plan to follow the Body For Life plan , but I need to be careful and stay balanced. With previous experience, I’ve proven I can go way overboard and allow my health to be the main focus of my life. Being healthy also means emotionally, spiritually and mentally healthy…my Bible study will help me grow in all three of those areas! 3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

#2 Write more hand-written correspondence to those in my life. I feel this is an area that I’ve slid on. Nothing is more powerful, I believe, than getting a written note from someone, speaking life into your life. I will do that each week and have made a plan to do so. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

#3 Give! Focusing on giving what I have…me, my time, my resources, my love, my encouragement, my talents! I want that to be my focus this year! Give to others without thinking about myself…especially to my family! I’m hoping this will help me keep my focus on the fact that my life is not about me…and I’m excited to see how God will work through me this year! The Bible is full of passages referencing giving and what can happen when we give with a pure heart!

I’m excited about a new year and am excited about my “focuses.” I’ll keep you posted as I go with my progress. I hope you’ve taken some time out to set some goals or “focuses” for yourself for this new year! May God bless every area of your life with much abundance in 2009!

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Julie Lefebure
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Too often, we settle for less than the abundant life Jesus promised (John 10:10). We get stuck in doubt, distractions, or simply surviving instead of truly thriving. But what if you had someone to walk alongside you, encourage you, and help you live with purpose, joy, and confidence in Christ?

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