Me of Little Faith

by | Jun 12, 2014 | Encouragement, Faith, Love God

I was 1.7 miles away from my home when I arrived at my turn-around point. That was the third time my feet had carried me that far in a week. It’s my favorite route for my walk.

As I made my turn to start my trek back home, I was startled when I saw it. A big, ominous-looking storm cloud that wasn’t there when I left home. It had quickly formed while I was walking in the opposite direction.

storm cloud

Now, as I was facing it, I didn’t like it one bit.

Here I am, 1.7 miles away from home, in the middle of nowhere on this gravel road. If this thing is heading my way, what in the world am I going to do? What will I do if it begins to lightning?

I was the tallest object on that gravel road. Even I knew that wasn’t a good thing when it comes to lightning.

It grew wider and darker and taller.

I picked up my pace to hopefully make it home before it reached me.

This storm cloud seemed just a little too familiar to the one I was walking through in my life.

  • It seemed to form out of nowhere, while my back was to it.
  • The storm grew wider, darker and taller, the more I focused on it.
  • It did it’s best to scare me, and to make me feel uncertain and uneasy.
  • My hope became clouded.
  • And, is it just with me that storms seem to come when we’re doing what God calls us to do?

In Matthew 8:23-27 we read Jesus climbed in the boat and His disciples followed. While He was sleeping, a terrible storm came up on the lake and the waves swept over the boat. Fearing they would drown, the disciples woke Jesus. I love His response, and this is what I remembered on my walk that day…

He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Matthew 8:26

“You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”

Too often I become afraid. Too often I take my eyes off Jesus and focus them on the storm. Too often I feel I’m going to drown.

Does this sound familiar in your world? I pray not. But if so, we can cling to verse 26 for truth, security and hope.

My pace slowed as I could see the cloud began to move away from me. I laughed at myself, “You of little faith.”

I committed at that very moment until I either walked through the life storm I was in or until it departed in the opposite direction, I would keep my eyes on the One who “even the wind and the waves obey.” And my hope returned.

I pray you keep your eyes on Him as well.


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  1. Kasey Hanson

    “I committed at that very moment until I either walked through the life storm I was in or until it departed in the opposite direction, I would keep my eyes on the One who “even the wind and the waves obey.””

    There is such strength in this statement, and you give us something to do, someone to concentrate on. It is one thing to read about this hope in the bible, and yet another to stare down a storm in our own lives. Thank you for pointing us to same God they focused on back then. Awesome!

    • Julie

      Thank you, Kasey. I’m so glad God hasn’t changed, and that He IS the same God of the disciples’! I love that word picture… “to stare down a storm in our own lives.” That’s really good. That should be in a blog post or book somewhere! Thank you for stopping in today. May your day be extremely blessed!

  2. Beth S.

    Julie, I could so relate to this because it just recently I had an experience of finishing up a bike ride as a storm rolled in. My heart started beating faster but then I actually thought of the exact same passage you shared. My prayer is I (we) remember in every situation to keep my eyes on Him. To trust. Have faith. I’m holding on to these words today… He is with me wherever I may go. Blessings to you.

    • Julie

      Beth, I too am so thankful He is with us and He’ll never leave us. Even when the storms roll in. My prayer is the same as yours, my friend. May God bless you as you keep your eyes on Jesus!

    • Julie

      Thank you, Suzie. God continues to teach me through everyday events. So glad He’s never going to leave us!


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