May 2014 – A Love Note to My Lefe’s

by | May 31, 2014 | This Lefe Family

May 2014 Collage

Well, my Lefe’s. Much has happened since last month’s love note I wrote you here. It’s sure been quite a month for our family, hasn’t it?

We’ve been thrown some “sucker punches.” We’ve been hit on our “blind side.” We didn’t see any of this coming. But you know…

God has us. God has us tighter than He’s ever had us.

And the best news is… He’s not going to let go.

The enemy is doing his best at trying to destroy us, discourage us, defeat us. Our faith is strong in Jesus, and we know with Him, we win. WE WIN!

Alissa, how could you have turned 20 in May?? The years have flown by. You’re such a beautiful young woman… inside and out! Great job on finishing this semester strong. You worked hard and it paid off! I so enjoy spending time with you, texting you, and talking with you. I’m going to miss our Friday nights together at the races! Keep reading God’s Word. Stay connected to Him through prayer. Continue to seek His will for your life. He’ll continue to reveal it one step at a time. I’m proud of you for handling yourself so professionally and humbly this month through very difficult circumstances. You are more of a brave woman than I could ever dream of being! God has big plans for your future. Keep your eyes on Him! I love you!

Zach, I have watched how you’ve handled these last three weeks in dealing with your injury. I saw the tears in the ER when the doctor broke the news to you about not being able to play soccer right now. And I’ve seen how you have continued to support your team faithfully at practices and games. You, my son, are one loyal and dedicated guy. This will take you far in life! You haven’t complained once. I’m so proud of you! God has you in the palm of His hand, and He knows your heart and your dreams. Stay close to Him. Keep seeking Him through prayer and reading your Bible. He’ll continue to guide you. Great job as you finish strong these final days of your Junior year! Thank you for supporting our family like you do. I love you!

And to Bill, my love of a lifetime. How can I ever thank you enough for being who you are? You complete me, and that’s not just some cute saying. That’s the truth. It seemed as if the world around us was crashing in so often this month, but with Jesus in the center, we’ve stayed strong. You continue to believe in me, encourage me, love me and honor me. You have supported me in ways that have surpassed any expectation. And your prayers with me and for me I treasure. I love you so very, very much. Just when I think our love can’t get any deeper, it does.

I am honored to be called your wife and mom. I pray for you and thank God for you each day. I love doing life with you!

Lefe’s, let’s make June our best month ever! Can’t wait to go on vacation with you!

Love you bunches!
Julie & Mom

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  1. Meredith Bernard

    This is so sweet and what a beautiful family! Your children has obviously been raised in the ways of the Lord and will be used by Him. Can’t wait to see in what ways! Sorry your son was injured, but what a testament to his character to not complain and still support his team. Enjoy your family vacation this month! 😀 Blessings, Meredith

    • Julie

      Thank you, Meredith. You know, the “train a child in the way they should go” truth? I’m trusting God with that. We can do all we can as parents, but in the end, it’s their relationship with the Lord that will guide them. It’s such a walk of faith for this mom. We look forward to our vacation. It can’t come soon enough!

  2. Doris Swift

    What a beautiful family Julie! Loved reading this sweet post and the testament of perseverance in a faith-filled family. Have a wonderful vacation Lefe’s!!

    • Julie

      Oh, Doris, you are so sweet! Thank you! I certainly love this family of mine. We look forward to vacation. It’ll be a much needed time for us all. Blessings to you!


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